- PART 2
- How do you (Billy Meier)
reply to the accusation that FIGU is a sect?
- We certainly are not a sect, of
course. We are neither a religious nor a sectarian group, nor are
we a political, military or civil organization that is based upon
any totalitarian and autocratic truth. Neither are we perfect in
any way nor all-knowing. No member of FIGU is forced or coerced
into believing or embracing anything that he or she cannot
discover from within for him- or herself, or recognize as the
actual truth without any external influences. We of FIGU have no
guru, master or leader of a sect who stands above any other group
member. We do have a leader who is in charge of everything without
holding a special position within the group-namely me. Therefore,
I am not a guru but only a normal member of the organization,
respectively group, just like all the others-with the same rights
and obligations.
- Thank you, Mr. Meier!
- The background of the "War
of the Roses:"
- Meier's son Methusalem
speaks out for the first time in MAGAZIN 2000plus
- Methusalem, your parents are
divorced, and your mother is inflaming public opinions against
your father. What persuaded you to take sides in this "War of
the Roses?"
- Actually I am of the opinion
that the divorce is purely a personal matter between my parents
and is none of my business, and I should not interfere. After all,
my relationship with both parents is not affected by the divorce.
But when I read Luc Bürgin's interview with my mother, I was
extremely upset and was forced to change my mind in this regard.
Once again my mother is up to her old foul play. She is telling Bürgin
things for which I have proof that they are not true. She is lying
when she says my father has been cheating people for years and
that she has helped him in the process. I can testify to the fact
that she, too, had numerous sightings at different times of the
day and night.
- Cross your heart-what do you
think today of your father's UFO contacts, now that you have moved
out of your parents' home? And: Did you ever have your own doubts?
- My opinion of my father's
contacts has never wavered over the years. I am just as convinced
now as I ever was that his contacts are real, and this is a
logical consequence resulting from my own experiences. After all,
even as a small child I already had opportunities to attend
sightings, at which my mother and occasionally also my brother and
sister were present. These sightings have always stayed in my
memory because they were so impressive for us all. I actually
never had any doubts although I have extensively and intensively
pondered Papi's contacts, which seems to me only natural. After
all, I had to associate everything I experienced and heard with my
surroundings, and for this reason I inevitably probed everything I
was experiencing and hearing.
- Were you ever witness to UFO
sightings or any unusual incidents which convinced you that your
father was actually having contacts with extraterrestrials?
- In an earlier answer I already
mentioned that I had various opportunities to witness sightings,
even as a small child. Several of these sightings are still very
clear in my mind. They have imbedded themselves indelibly in my
memory because of the surrounding circumstances. As far as unusual
incidents and the like are concerned from which one could conclude
that my father actually maintained contacts with
extraterrestrials-I have plenty.
- The earliest experience I can
still vaguely remember was a sighting in June of 1976, when I was
not even three years old. We were with my mother, my brother and
sister, Hans Schutzbach, and Amata Stetter in a nature reserve in
Hinwil. I can still recall that it was a sunny, warm day and that
Hans Schutzbach began running around very excitedly when a large
silver disk was departing. He photographed it nervously, but by
then it was already quite far away. We watched with great interest
for a long time as the disk flew off.
- In the summer of 1980 I was
present in the Sädelegg when we were given an opportunity to
record the whirring sounds of Semjase's beamship. I was standing
next to Mami, in view of my father, when the whirring sounds began.
They were so loud that even neighbors who lived about 4 kilometers
[2.4 miles] away came to see what was going on. Mami was with her
recorder in such an advantageous position to the source of the
sounds that she was able to make the best recordings of all.
- One year later in early August,
together with several others, I observed at night a formation of
six light objects on the horizon above the Bühl in the Töss
Valley. Based on their unusual flight maneuvers, there was no way
they could have been regular airplanes. The "show"
lasted for more than half an hour and in addition to my mother, my
father, my brother Atlantis and sister Gilgamesha, several other
people observed the display too. The ships performed various
formation flights and very unusual flight movements before some of
them simply disappeared; we could still watch the others until
they blended into the darkness.
- Later on, in September 1982,
when I was barely nine years old, I was standing next to my father
when a small foot bridge was being cemented across a drainage
ditch at the driveway of the shed. As soon as the work was
completed we left the construction site to bring material for
cordoning off the area to protect the freshly cemented foot
bridge. Silvano, who had gone ahead of us, suddenly came dashing
around the corner of the shed and called out to my father, because
in the meantime someone had actually stepped into the fresh cement.
Papi griped and ran to the construction site where we noticed,
only at second glance, that the imprint of the shoe was
exceedingly large, namely more than 42 centimeters [16.5 inches]
- Have you ever experienced or
seen anything that would indicate that you father wanted to
deceive others?
- No. I have neither experienced
anything like this nor were there indications that he had faked
something. It is not his nature to fabricate anything for other
people or to cheat them. I am certain that my father is telling
the truth in regard to his contacts, and this also coincides with
my own experiences.
- What do you personally tell
those people who accuse your father of being a fraud?
- There is an old saying-one can
learn how to lie from hearsay. This applies to most of those
people who call my father a fraud. Very few of them have ever
convinced themselves of the situation by going to the actual
locations or delving seriously into these matters. And if they
have actually done so, they often showed their jealousy because
they couldn't handle the fact that another person can experience
something that didn't happen to them.
- My father withdrew from the
public eye over the years partially because of my mother [Kalliope
Meier] but also to give her a chance at playing top fiddle. By
letting her have her way in this manner, he was able to satisfy
her urge to be "top dog." In keeping with his character,
he certainly didn't mind this at all, because by doing so he could
avoid some people fawning over him since they looked on him as the
great master, a guru or something special. However, he finds such
idolization repugnant and extremely unwelcome. For this reason he
continues his life withdrawn from the public.
- Thank you, Methusalem
The Eyewitnesses
speak out
- Photos can be faked, experts can
make mistakes. But consider the testimonies of more than 40
individuals whose UFO experiences, in conjunction with the 'Meier
Case,' changed their lives. MAGAZIN 2000plus spoke with Meier
- Through my association with
Billy I had several nighttime sightings when we were walking
around in the court yard and he pointed out the [space-] ships. In
August 1987 three ships came from the west in the middle of the
night. They flew over the [Meier farm-] house, hovered above it,
jumped back and forth for several minutes, and finally sped high
into the sky. Hans Georg Lanzendorfer (36), social pedagogue
- At the very beginning, just as
we were taking possession of the farm, the basement was full of
water which had to be pumped out. When the job was done, Billy
walked down there to see whether everything had really dried.
Shortly afterward he returned and said: "There are footprints
down there!" Of course, I didn't believe him and thought that
it simply could be anything; but I decided to look for myself and
even photographed the imprints. When I got the photos back from
the store, one could see the head and neck of an extraterrestrial
on one of the pictures.
- I was present during a contact
in Schönenberg near Einsiedeln. We were waiting for Billy when
suddenly he stood before me. That night it had been raining cats
and dogs, but we could see how the first few drops had just then
fallen on Billy's jacket, while we were totally drenched since the
rain was coming down so hard. He was completely dry during those
first moments he was standing there in the pouring rain! He
explained to us that he had been beamed down directly from the
ship. Another time we observed a night formation of six ships-one
more of an entire series of UFO sightings we experienced with
- Bernadette Brand (49),
- I have experienced quite a few
emotional moments. Once I was building the chicken coop when I
observed Billy as he was walking away from the Center on the field
path. I figured he was going to a contact. Shortly afterwards I
heard a loud, dynamic whirring sound and thought: They must have
just beamed him up now. About half an hour later I felt compelled
to look toward a meadow for a short while and suddenly, without
warning, Billy stood there as though someone had pulled away a
curtain that had kept him hidden from my eyes-he simply was there!
- He often took me along to his
contacts as the driver. Before the contacts he always received
commands from elsewhere: "More north, a bit more south,
another 20 meters and then go east," and these messages he
passed on to me. I have often seen the beamships as bright lights
at night, which slowly traveled across the horizon.
- Once Billy requested that I
accompany him because he wanted to go to a contact. We were
driving in the car and Billy constantly gave me instructions.
Suddenly he said, "Now you can stop. He climbed out of the
car and I waited. It was still pretty cold. Then he disappeared
onto a path in the forest. I was just looking around when I
suddenly saw the glint of something approximately 100 meters in
front of me, in the direction of the forest. At first I thought
that this could possibly be an extraterrestrial.
- But then I had my doubts and
figured it was more likely a farmer who was looking after his cows.
When I was once again sitting back in the car, I saw this glinting
once more. Now I simply had to investigate this matter. I pointed
my car toward the point where I had last noticed the glinting and
turned on the Halogen lights-and there, in front of me, smack in
the center of my car's high beams, was Quetzal, one of the
extraterrestrials! That was the first time I had seen an
extraterrestrial. He appeared to be a tall person wearing a cloak
and a shimmering space suit. He abruptly stood motionless and then
he ran from the light beam. I reversed the car and suddenly he was
gone. When Billy returned from the contact he grinned and jokingly
asked me why I was terrifying harmless hikers-and then told me
that it had been Quetzal!
- Engelbert Wächter (66),
- I was present when four
assassination attempts were made on Billy. That really made me
think quite a bit. Once, in 1982, Billy called me: "Come,
there is a ship hovering in the clouds." We could plainly and
distinctly see it just as it appeared on his photos-in bright
daylight around 4 o'clock in the afternoon! The ship was visible
for about one or two minutes, then an airplane approached. At that
moment the ship veered into the clouds and was gone!
- Silvano Lehmann (37), waiter
- As an attendant I was present at
many contacts. I can still recall how we saw the beamships, and
how we later visited the various contact sites and found the
landing marks. I was still very young in those days, but I
remember how I stood outside the doorstep one day and glanced
across the scenery, when suddenly I saw a ship in the sky. It was
hovering there for about 10 or 15 seconds and then it simply
disappeared. At the time I made a water color drawing of the ship.
This remains very clear in my memory. And it was in broad daylight!
- Atlantis Meier (28), auto
- Together with Billy I have seen
UFOs in the night sky several times and in June of 1980 I heard
the whirring sounds of the beamships. That afternoon all of those
who happened to be present had driven into the Sädelegg. Billy
stood about 150 meters/yards away from us to make some tape
recordings of the whirring sounds for himself. We were standing on
the path and heard the sounds, which were so loud that they
attracted curious farmers and pedestrians in the area. A few years
ago, together with Billy, I once saw a rather large object which
was flying in a zigzag pattern in the night sky.
- Eva Bieri (43), secretary
- One night I almost ran into an
extraterrestrial. Suddenly I felt a type of vibrating wave, which
seemed to bid me to step back. I sensed the wave becoming stronger
the closer I got there. That was very impressive and I reflected
for a long time what this could have been. Finally I asked Billy.
He explained to me that this was an invisible protective shield of
a female extraterrestrial visitor. These protective shields are
necessary for them because they cannot tolerate our vibrations,
which are so different from their own.
- Louis Memper (48), chemist
- Around 5 p.m. on April 8, 1983,
I glanced up to the sky while working. It was near dusk and there
were many clouds in the sky when I noticed a light that was moving
towards me one moment and then away from me again; it moved to the
right and then to the left. I thought that this wasn,t normal, so
I ran to get my binoculars which, by chance, I happened to have in
my car. In the meantime Billy and several other FIGU members came
out and were also observing this dancing object of light.
- Another time, while visiting
Billy, I stayed overnight in the RV. In the middle of the night I
heard steps in the court yard. I went out to investigate the
sounds but I could sense something like a 'Stay were you are!'
command within me and I stopped walking. I could, however, peek
around the corner and saw a tall, white-haired, bearded figure.
Billy's hair was still dark in those days, so it was not he. I
felt an incredible joy in me that was truly special. The figure
wore a white outfit and seemed to be surrounded by light. I felt
such a warm glow! Later I asked Billy about this, and he told me
it was Ptaah, one of the extraterrestrials.
- Brunhilde Koye (64), ret.
export merchant
- I was repairing the pavement at
the Farm and wanted to briefly cordon off the freshly cemented
area so that nobody would accidentally step into it. But when I
returned I noticed the imprint of a gigantic shoe in the cement.
At first I thought somebody had tripped into it because the person
hadn,t seen the wet cement, but then it was clear to me that no
human being had such a large shoe size. Billy found out later that
an extraterrestrial called Danel, who is 2,48m [8'15"] tall,
had made the imprint so we would have another piece of evidence.
- Some time ago, when Billy still
drove the tractor, we had hitched a small trailer to it and were
driving into the valley toward Hinwil. After the first turn I saw
that Billy wasn,t even holding the steering wheel in his hands-we
all saw that the tractor moved all by itself. On this entire curvy
stretch Billy guided the tractor all the way into Hinwil, purely
with his spiritual powers. He never once touched the steering
- Freddy Kropf (38), chef
- While in Betswil, above Bäretswil,
I was allowed to come to a contact with Billy. He instructed me to
wait by my car until I got more detailed directions. I was
rewarded for the long waiting period: Through the trees I could
really nicely see the ship rise at the horizon, then it darted
with incredible speed directly toward me. That was a spectacular
show-and at night, no less! And then they [the ETs] undertook some
energy burning that resulted in a shower of sparks, a splendor of
color that couldn't have been more beautiful.
- Jacobus Bertschinger (48),
- In 1976 I saw Billy Meier's
photographs for the first time, and from then on I wanted to know
all about them. I asked whether I would be permitted to visit him,
and then one weekend I came to see him, still in Hinwil at the
time. When I was preparing to leave again, Billy invited me to
stay a bit longer since he had the feeling that something was
about to take place that night. Shortly afterwards I had my first
UFO experience.
- In total I was present during
three nighttime demonstrations, two of which I was permitted to
photograph. I have also inspected and photographed various landing
marks. I was present when Billy was beamed into our midst; I was a
witness when a 5-meter tall fir tree was eliminated; I was
listening in when Billy spoke by radio with two
extraterrestrials-I was standing right next to him at the time.
And then one time he gave me precise instructions via radio
transmission when he was in Semjase's ship, which was hovering
about 700 meters/yards above the Center. We were just pounding the
fence poles into the ground, and we did this crookedly,
intentionally, to see if he'd notice-and he corrected us
- Guido Moosbrugger (73), ret.
school principal
- Here are additional witnesses we
know by name, some of whom we have interviewed: Elisabeth Gruber,
Thomas Keller, Bernhard Koye, Madeleine Brügger, Christina
Gasser, Herbert Runkel, Maria Wächter, Conny Wächter, Hans
Zimmermann, Billy's daughter Gilgamesha Meier, and in 1989
Kalliope, Meier's ex-wife, in her own words.
- The Swiss Air Force and Meier
- Another Meier witness is UFO
researcher Erwin Mürner from Zurich. He stated to MAGAZIN
2000plus: "I have known Billy Meier since 1976. At that time
I visited him in Wetzikon with a group of people. Together with
him we went to the landing sites and conversed with him. This
intrigued me. Shortly afterward I sighted a UFO with my parents
and my wife just when I was about to take them to one of those
landing sites. The object was round. Suddenly it shot into the
air. Then it stopped, dashed off sideways and then it came back to
the center before disappearing in a downward motion, like a
falling leaf.
- Billy gave me several of his
photos. The picture that impressed me the most was of a UFO and an
Air Force Mirage fighter plane. I made serious efforts to uncover
the truth about it. Then the following occurred: A UFO convention
was being held at the Zurich Novotel, where I met a man who was
with the Air Force. We entered into a conversation, and when he
told me he was with the Air Force, I asked him about the photo. He
confirmed the photo was authentic and that they knew everything
about the contacts. I met with the man several more times, during
which he said he was part of the Army's Special Services.
- At our next meeting he carried a
black briefcase, from which he removed a portfolio, a dossier,
which he allowed me to read . . . and on page 3 was the story
about the Mirage! In brief, the article stated that those who have
knowledge about this case must keep it a secret for the rest of
their lives. Thereupon I asked my acquaintance what he thought of
Billy Meier, and he told me the military knew that everything was
true but the people aren't allowed to know about it."
- Later Mürner was even able to
glean the name of the Mirage pilot, and he contacted him. The Air
Force officer confirmed the incident without revealing any details.
- Does the Swiss Air Force have
additional information about Meier's contacts? It is certainly not
coincidental that years ago the Swiss Army seized the elevated
area above the Meier Farm as a site for a rocket launching ramp;
today it is only used as an observation post.
- Evidence exists which
demonstrates that the Swiss Air Force could very well know about
the authenticity of Meier's contacts. As we reported in the May
1998 edition of MAGAZIN 2000plus No.127, an official of the Swiss
Military Airspace Safety Monitoring Unit informed Swiss ufologist
Luc Bürgin and the MUFON-CES research group about recorded data
pertaining to radar sightings of unknown flying objects in the
Swiss air space. According to their information, 236 UFO radar
sightings took place in the airspace above the land of the Swiss
confederates between the 25-month period from April 1, 1993 to
April 31, 1995. Particularly noteworthy were the clusters of UFO
radar positions above the Zurich highlands-precisely in the area
where Billy Meier has his contacts.
- The Chief
- In October 1996 the
International Humanistic Society and the UN's SEAT team invited me,
Michael Hesemann, to present a talk to their group at the
Headquarter of the United Nations. The lecture was held in the
format of a small conference where Carlos Diaz, Madeleine Rodeffer,
and Colonel Colman VonKeviczky also spoke. After the event a lady
approached me and introduced herself as a member of the UN
delegation of a South-East Asian country. She asked me whether I
knew Billy Meier, and I confirmed this fact of course. She wanted
to hear my opinion of him, and I replied I was convinced of the
contacts' authenticity. Her friendly face literally lit up and
then she revealed her story to me:
- She had known Billy Meier when
he lived in India. Between April and September 1964, Meier had
taken one of his trips around the world. As a young man he visited
42 countries, mostly as a hitchhiker. He arrived at the
Ashoka-Ashram in Mehrauli near New Delhi to study Buddhism. The
Ashoka Mission there, founded by King Ashoka in the 3rd Century
B.C., is the oldest Buddhist school. Its leader today is the
highly respected V.B. Dharmawara, who recently celebrated in
California his 109th birthday in good health. In the monastery
Meier befriended the Dharmawara,s grandchildren who had previously
fled to India when civil war broke out in their own country. One
of these grandchildren was the lady who approached me in New York.
She is now an esteemed diplomat. And, incidentally, her brother
was the one who taught Meier how to catch snakes. So this, too,
was true! Until this time I had always smirked a bit when Meier
claimed he had performed hundreds of jobs on his trips-among them
that of a snake catcher.

- During an elaborate Indian
dinner, to which she had invited me, the lady recounted: "In
those days all of us at the Mission saw the spaceships" and
Meier was in contact with their pilots. Additionally, she had seen
him 'walking across the court yard of the Ashram accompanied by a
woman with long, brunette hair, dressed in a type of spacesuit.'
Her grandfather also had been provided with opportunities to speak
with the extraterrestrial visitors. I listened to this lady with
baited breath and made a promise to her that I would keep her name
confidential and would not mention her homeland to anyone. She
simply did not want the publicity due to the sensitive nature of
her diplomatic position.
- Her important rank in her
country's UN delegation was later confirmed to me by friends who
were UN colleagues of hers. Also, the lady came across as lucid,
ethical, cordial and honest. I found out, too, that she had
previously revealed the identical information to U.S. researcher
Wendelle Stevens after one of his lectures in New York. Because
she wished to renew her contact with Meier, I provided her with
his address. Meier's contacts in India were actually investigated
on location by one of the world's most renowned UFO researchers,
Timothy Good, an English violinist with the London Symphony
Orchestra, which was performing in Delhi at the time. During his
stay there, by chance, a local newspaper The Statesman reported
Meier's contacts. "Not only have I seen objects from space, I
have also photographed them and flown inside them," the Swiss
man had stated to the newspaper and continued with, ""I
have an assignment to fulfill." Good later drove to Mehrauli
and met people there who were aware of Meier's contacts "with
the girl from space." They described him as being "ethical
and full of enthusiasm." Interestingly enough, it was this
young woman from space, named Asket according to Meier, with whom
the UN diplomat had seen Meier walking around!

(but had she not brown hair - Asket? as told some lines down here -
and not as this picture taken from a new dvd- film on the Meier-case -
made of Michael Horn
&co as you ought to book
- Only one thing seemed to bother
the lady: In an American book about Meier she had found an alleged
photograph of this Asket in which she looked very different from
the days she had seen her in India: "On the picture in the
book she had platinum blond hair. But when I actually saw her she
was a brunette," and somehow her expression was different at
that time. Meier, confronted with this dilemma, felt that the
lighting conditions in the spacecraft, where the purported photo
was taken, had created the discolorations and distortions; but he
also had been irritated by the picture.
- The adulterated
- Then the scandal broke lose. The
so-called 'Asket' on the photo resembled a dancer and background
singer who had performed on the legendary Dean-Martin-Show in the
1970s. Could it be that Meier had photographed his 'Asket' off the
television set? As far back as November 1975, his Pleiadian
friends had told Meier that an "Asket look-alike"
existed in the United States, and Meier had even published this
information. Could he have intentionally dared to publish a
photograph from one of the most popular U.S. TV shows and to
present it later as a legitimate portrait of an extraterrestrial?
And how could he have possibly received this show on his
television? Satellite TV did not exist in 1975 when the photo was
published-not even in Switzerland. Furthermore, any photograph
taken by using the TV monitor as a source can be identified by the
cathode ray color dots. But none exist on the 'Asket' photo. This
means: Beyond any doubt, the picture was definitely NOT taken off
the TV monitor.
- Meier, who thought he knew whom
he had photographed, was not greatly concerned about the altered
hair color and physiognomy of 'his' Asket, and he concluded such a
discrepancy was due to the radiation and lighting onboard the
spacecraft. Only in the spring of 1998, when the adulteration was
revealed, did he double-check with the Pleiadians. Their reply: A
group of deceptors, similar to the 'Men in Black,' exchanged the
photos at that time. After his first pictures had been published
in 1975, an obscure, alleged photographer offered Meier the free
development of his films-and Meier gratefully accepted because he
had very little money in those days.
- Ever since that time adulterated
pictures have existed in Meier's extensive photo
archive-specifically those depicting his so-called space photos.
Very soon afterward the mysterious photographer disappeared from
Switzerland. The fact that the Pleiadians told Meier about an
American 'Asket look-alike' as far back as November 1975 provides
grounds for suspicion. Did the Pleiadians want to direct him onto
the right track even then? In any case, someone triggered the
ticking of the time bomb, which then, sometime in the future,
could be used against Meier. In 1998 that moment arrived.
- But who could be behind this
group of deceptors? Definitely someone with access to a large
photo archive, and someone who is swift enough to find a young
woman who resembled Asket so that the photos could be switched. A
Secret Service? Or was it extraterrestrials who deliberately
manipulated the case so they could control the consequences and
then be able to back out if required? We do not know the answer.
The fact is however: The extraterrestrial Asket does exist. Indeed,
a respected UN diplomat, along with several other witnesses at the
Buddhist monastery in India saw her.
- Hence, this means but one
thing-Meier was the victim and not the perpetrator of this cunning
deception. We hope that some day, at the latest when she has
retired, our witness will be willing to speak out publicly, before
a camera, in order to irrevocably redeem Meier. (Incidentally, my
conversation and the dinner with her took place in the company of
two witnesses, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz.)
- The Manipulator
- Pulling the strings as the
initiator of the Anti-Meier-Smear-Campaign is the American Kal K.
Korff. He has supplied damaging 'evidence' against her husband to
Mrs. Meier-who personally stated under oath on February 16, 1991,
that she had "never observed or caught Billy Meier
perpetrating any dishonest machinations or manipulations for the
purpose of deluding people, nor have I ever collaborated myself
with him in such a deception."
- Korff has been a Meier
antagonist from the onset, and this fact may have had its roots in
a narcissistic slight. In 1978, as a 15-year-old adolescent, Korff
begged UFO researcher Col. Wendelle Stevens, with whom he
corresponded and from whom he found out about Meier's sensational
photographs, to take him along to Switzerland on his, Stevens',
next on-location research visit.
- Of course Stevens refused-as a
minor, Korff would not have been permitted to travel without the
accompaniment of a parent or a guardian. This prompted Korff, as
he admits in his book Spaceships from the Pleiades (New York,
1995), to hypothesize that "Stevens who was usually always so
open, obviously had something to hide." So, instead, he soon
formed an alliance with the controversial UFO researcher Bill
Moore. Three years later-Stevens in the meantime had publicized
the Meier Case in the USA-Moore published Korff's brochure The
Most Infamous Hoax in Ufology, which contained the polemics of an
18-year-old teenager who called himself 'Director of Research for
Ufology and Parapsychology at the Institute for Paranormal Science.'
- What he failed to tell the
readers, however, was the fact that this 'institute' was housed in
his playroom and that he was its only member. Eight years later
Moore, his sponsor, became persona non grata on the American UFO
scene. At a Las Vegas MUFON Conference in 1988 Moore himself
admitted he had worked for U.S. government agents and had
deliberately disseminated disinformation within the UFO community.
Moore personally admitted that, first and foremost, the plan was
to maneuver UFO researchers into an impasse if they made too much
headway into the security apparatus of the U.S. Secret Services
and, secondly, to subsequently thoroughly discredit them.
- Korff disappeared from view in
those days, only to re-emerge in public in 1993. For the first
time in his life he managed to travel to Switzerland and, under an
assumed name and in Hippie-Look, he visited Meier's 'Semjase-Silver-Star-Center,'
which is accessible to anyone. He purchased a few photographs and
some written material. With this material he elevated himself into
a so-called 'objective investigator' of the case. In his lectures
he bragged about his mastery of the German language and of having
identified Meier's source for Helium-Korff alleges that Meier
works with UFO models which are suspended from helium-filled
balloons-and the reference literature Meier allegedly used. Upon
closer scrutiny this all turns out to be nothing but a bluff. The
truth is that Korff speaks only a few words of German, while his
great achievement consisted of having found a book store and a
shop for Helium in Winterthur, whose staff is not even acquainted
with Meier.
- Two years later Korff's book
appeared, complete with 'computer analyses' of the Meier
photographs. Korff's questionable,
embossed-screen-resolution-pictures suddenly now have entire
laundry 'spider-net' clothesline contraptions with suspension
threads above the UFOs. One must question why a single suspension
thread would not have sufficed. And then, when one takes the
original photographs and repeats Korff's analysis with the same
software-voilà, suddenly the threads are no longer visible, or
else they turn out to be mere scratches on the reproduction.
- In public talks, Korff claims he
is "not a skeptic by any stretch of the imagination." He
also says that he "approached this case completely unbiased."
Both statements are lies. As far back as 1980, before Korff ever
stepped onto Swiss soil, he already had called the Meier Case the
"most infamous hoax of ufology." Therefore, he was
nowhere near taking an unbiased position when he made his trip to
Switzerland in 1991, which he, undeservedly, elevated into an
'undercover trip to Switzerland.'
- Furthermore, he has an inherent
tendency to lie to others. In a manner worthy of James Bond, Korff
wordily describes how he sneaked back onto the Meier farm at night
and barely escaped Meier's bloodthirsty hounds, and how he took
soil samples at purported UFO landing track sites. Too bad that
Meier had no dog at the time in question, and the landing marks
had not been visible for several years prior to Korff's visit.
Instead of interviewing legitimate Meier,s witnesses, Korff
elected to meet only with relatives of a previous Meier follower
who had passed away and who had, prior to his death, decidedly
turned into a Meier foe when a 'vision' revealed to him that Billy
M. was 'the devil personified.'
- Contrary to his claims, Korff is
most certainly a dyed-in-the-wool-skeptic, for not only did he
have his book published by the American skeptics and free-thinkers
publishing house 'Prometheus,' but two years later he also 'debunked'
another showcase of UFO research, the Roswell Crash. "Of
course," Korff asserts, "the U.S. Air Force did state
the truth in 1947," and thereupon he continues with his
attempt to "prove" (with threadbare arguments) that it
was simply a balloon which had crashed at the time. Of similar 'merit'
was Korff's analysis on the CNN TV network, with which he intended
to prove that John F. Kennedy was shot only by Lee Harvey Oswald's
bullets, and that no other sniper existed-hence there could not
have been a conspiracy.
- When a Swiss ufologist claims,
therefore, that Korff is not a 'skeptic in the traditional sense
... instead, he wants to separate truth from falsehood,' then that
Swiss ufologist is either naive, poorly informed, or both. Korff's
'accomplishment' to demonstrate that the internationally renowned
computer expert Jim Dilettoso, director of the 'Village Labs' in
Tempe, AZ, had "decorated himself with a phony Ph.D.,"
proved to be nothing but a soap bubble. Dilettoso never used the
title of Ph.D. He has, however, jokingly said that for all his
work he deserves a Ph.D. For Korff's outright lies about Art Bell,
the popular U.S. radio talk show host forced Korff to apologize
publicly, on the air, before Bell's international audience of
nearly 15 million listeners.
- Who is behind Korff? He
calls himself the 'executive officer' of the 'Think Tank' [Total
Research] "whose goal it is to study mankind's largest and
most enduring mysteries and phenomena," as Korff describes
his operation in his typical, inherent modesty. Even more
interesting than his imposter/con-artist claims-since even 'Total
Research' is a mere one-man 'think tank'-is the fact that Korff
admits on page 408 of his book he had worked "for years for
the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories," a top
weapons manufacturer for the USA. According to Col. Corso
from the Pentagon, these Livermore Laboratories also work on SDI
weaponry, which is primarily directed at thwarting UFOs and is
part of the 'Black World.' Likewise, according to his own
statements, Korff says he was working "with various
government agencies, "in the development of weapons,"
and in "analyses by news services". "Officially, I
finished my work for the U.S. government in January 1991 during
the last days of the Gulf War . . . although I continue to be
consulted from time to time."
- According to statements by Bob
Lazar and other colleagues from Nevada's "Area 51" which
works together with the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, the USA
has in its possession a crashed and recovered 'Meier UFO.' Could
this be the reason behind Korff's campaign against Meier? Is Meier
a threat because he lives in a neutral country, maintains good
contacts within Japan and Russia, and has access to a technology
which is jealously guarded at Area 51 as the biggest secret of the
United States? Are they afraid that other countries might just
gain possession of this super weapon through Meier unless he is
totally discredited?
- The fact that Korff with his
dubious past has written only two books, one against Meier and the
other against Roswell, is assuredly no coincidence. And the 15
assassination attempts against Billy Meier tend to confirm that
his ex-wife and the wanna-be ufologists lusting for fame and
fortune are not the only one who have something against him ...
- Renewed Assassination
Attempts on Meier
- While the tabloids of the
ufological rainbow press speak of the "end of the Meier Case,
others are attempting to even expedite it. Indeed, twice, on June
8 and 10-for the 14th and 15th time-someone has attempted to
murder the contactee Meier; once even in broad daylight -- and
both times before witnesses!
- It appears that Meier,s most
recent publications have incited these latest events because, for
the first time, he accuses a secret government mafia, similar to
the "Men in Black, of having manipulated and switched several
of his earlier photographs. The fact is that serious Meier Case
investigators, such as American atmospheric scientist Prof. James
Deardorff, U.S. Air Force Col. Wendelle C. Stevens, or Michael
Hesemann, have been convinced for years that the Meier Case was
"contaminated (see Chapter 23 of Hesemann's Geheimsache UFO).
Nonetheless, authentic photographs, movie footage, metal samples,
and especially the statements of eyewitnesses verify the fact that
Meier did indeed have genuine contacts and continues to have them
to this day.
- A shot rang out around 4:40 p.m.
on June 8, as Meier walked across the court yard in front of the
farm house in which he lives. The bullet soared past him so
closely that he could feel the air move as the projectile barely
missed his forehead. Three witnesses were present - two women and
a man who stood a mere 30-50 meters/yards from Meier and they
observed how Meier had been fired upon. But the sniper, who had
been thoroughly hidden in the bushes, used Meier's and his friends'
moment of shocked numbness to disappear unrecognized. Only the
point of entry of the caliber 22 bullet was discovered-the bullet
was lodged in a tree at the precise height of Meier's forehead.
- On June 10, 1998, around 3 a.m.,
less than 35 hours later, the second assassination attempt took
place: Meier, who is a night worker, was walking across the court
yard toward his friend Silvano, when he felt a powerful blow to
his left kidney. Someone had hurled a throwing knife at him which,
apparently, turned in midair and had struck him with the handle.
Silvano, who stood a mere meter away from Meier, was only able to
sense a person running from the brush where the knife thrower had
been hiding. Meier later commented: "I can only say that I
find it despicable and sad that somebody would attempt to
eliminate the truth in this way." I have nothing more to add.
- Michael Hesemann 100660.3672@compuserve.com