youTubevideo on the Meier-contacts as introduction | + this one | on Talmud Jmmanuel | Billyinterview | +
some of Meiers pictures of Semjases "old" ship | more pictures | and still more | otherUFOs | + | Meier took nearly 1100 diapictures of pleiadian (pleiaren-) -ships, many of them stolen (ca. 500?): The journalist Gary Kinder wrote in his book "Lightyears" on the case - how easy it was to "borrow" Meiers original pictures. Meier had commited Semjase not to deny anybody information - and many of the pictures was simply stolen and has never later appeared. Researcher Wendelle Stevens learned how the secret services very closely spyed this ongoing case in the 70/80ths, and later has much of the hidden work of the agencies come foreward through "leaking" channels such as Dr.Michael Wolf, Bob Dean, and the work (example) of Dr.Greer.
And those were PHYSICAL CONTACTS -
Throughout all of Billy Meier's contacts, which began at the age of five and continue today - he has always written them down as true to word as he can. These writings are called the Semjase Reports (Semjase Berichte) or most commonly known as the 'Contact Notes' and amount to over 1800 pages collectively. Some of it have been published in English (Wendelle Stevens in 1979?). Here we have summarized them to give you an idea of some of the more important elements they contain. Herein are answers to history, philosophy, science and some of the mysteries of our Earth. This material may seem messy or leaping - because she touched different themes in the same contact - and remember those are only summaries. It's best to get the complete material from figu if possible.
the basis: the spiritual teachings summaries from contactnotes:| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10| Download summary of the contactnotes from 1-117contacts in Wordformat - 2 columns for printing-600kb |
After reading this material we have some comments. It seems like Semjase (and Meier) is locked to a certain realityview, and all what differs from this are rejected. Much of the material is wisdom, espesially the part which describes the spiritual philosophy on Erra. But some texts are damning persons with another view.
There is hardly any ufo-contact-person being so accused for fraud and deceit as just Meier, but there is corresponding not any CONTACTPERSON that as him accuse OTHER alleged such, to be just frauds and swindlers ("lüger und betrügers" - yes this is the law of Karma; what you say about others, "they" will label you).
According to cosmic laws one does not have any reason to damn anyone. The reality is not as black and white as some parts of the texts here indicates. As we see it: The reality exists within several parallell eventchannels. This means that one realityview can be just as "good"/correct as another. Yes - some live in a "wrong illusion" and ignorance - but this does not justify any damnation - as Meier and partly the Pleiaren-people often do.
They seem to have no access to more higher, emotional dimensions of Earth and other planets - which is not limited to this coarse-matter level/vibration. Example: that they could not view or visit the REAL lifelevel of the planet Venus, which seems to be elevated higher up on the dimensional scale. They seem to have some emotional blockades or lacks to reach such levels, which presuppose DEEP sympathy. Apparently they have some obstructions or blockades here - and seem to be captured in this same "classroom/ coarse-learing-room" as "the material scientist on Earth" - and seem to lack (or at least bad to express) the big view of evolution:
"that everything is well/natural/perfect on the prevaling level of consciousness for Earth-human right now, and that the "darkmen" are only ignorant, who through their actions now, will create themselves a painfull future - though in the purpose of LEARNING to live according to the eternal-cosmic life-rules, which can only be experienced through self-learned pain/practice on this coarce-vibr.level/"school".
According to some of the text, Meier is the only person who have had contacts to higher forms of life the last 2000 years. This statement is illogical, as also can be red from their own material (see link) + (257th Contact Monday, February 3rd, 1997, 12:03AM) Many persons on Earth have daily contacts with higher worlds in other dimensions of Earth and other planets as well, using their higher vibr. bodies for these contacts. Either directly or indirectly, by use of the chacrasystem - which is the transmitter-centres for contact to these higher-vibr.layers of the body.
It look like devas and similar creatures are unknown to Semjase, or they avoided talking about it - because much "astral beliving" is coected with such and the Erra-people contacting Meier seem to be more intellectual.
It's not correct that all "Venus-contacts"(+ | ppt) is/was hoaxers. They had - as many of the others of Figu indicated liars - contacts with spacepeople from another natureplane/dimension, with a higher dimensionary vibrating frequency. It seems like this dimension is unknown to the Erranians and that some "spiritual obstacles" prevents them from reaching those levels.
Much of what the text describes as wrong information, can be valid for persons with another view on the reality, than some of these Erranians had.
Its up to the readers to evaluate the text and use what seems to be right to each person and reject what does not feel good. It is very important to read other spirtual/ and contact-material, beside from this "family". But we have all sympathy for Meier and his haunted life in this incarnation!
and in some color:
3 PICTURES/DRAWINGS ABOVE FROM http://www.steelmarkonline.com/pleiadians.htm
Why only drawings? Because cosmic law and the law of free will forbids the spacepeople or other helpers from above as well - to give too convincing proofs -as YOU yourself, must/will recognize the "thruth" when mature - because just this is the "initiationtest" of those days.
youTubevideo on the Meier-contacts as introduction | + this one | on Talmud Jmmanuel | Billyinterview | George Green / WS on the case-youtube