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From the book
The Convoluted Universe |
2.extract |
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Book 2
Of Dolores Cannon From 2005 - a book of 661 pages!!
she on
Frequency and Dimensions Separating Earth.
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this book
continues on the past life therapy through the use of hypnosis. Here
"Marian" came across a life as a male in the 30ths, who had left
his small hometown to come to another town as an emissary to try to get
the people there open up for help - first by listening to a local adviser
as a woman.
They were to tell and warn of a planned evacuation of the planet … Some from chapter 8 - "taken to safety" Dolores -the therapist: I could not lead. I had to let the story unfold by only asking questions. I asked, "What are you deciding to do?" "Let her work with them for a while before she presents the idea of an alliance. Of getting together with other villages, so we can discuss strategy. There are other people that went out to other villages. It's going to be kind of like a council. There's a threat that's common to all of us. It's not other people threatening." I thought maybe it could be an invading army, because that happened countless times down through history. "It's hard to define, because I don't understand it either. I can't say if it's Earth changes, or if it's coming from outside. Nobody's quite sure what it is. If we can organize, we can get through this." I decided to take him forward to see what was happening, and the hope that it might become clearer. All the people were gathered in a large clearing. She led out a big sigh, and said, 'It's crazy." After a pause, she reluctantly told me what she was seeing. "I see ships. Alien ships. They're coming down. It creates fear, but they're not hostile." He described the ships as "Sort of round, but not ball shaped. More oval. They're not little two or three man things. They are bigger. They can hold many people." The ships were not landing, but hovering over the ground.
M: (Hysterical laugh) Try and pretend I'm not afraid. D: Did the people know something like this was going to happen?
D: So it was something you couldn't have really prepared for.
D: What happens?.
I asked for a description of the inside of the ship after everyone was onboard.
He was able to see outside the ship, and the Earth below. I wanted to know what it looked like. He sighed deeply as he tried to describe what he was seeing. "The Earth looks like what I would imagine solar flares look like. Things flaring up from the Earth. I can't say they're volcanoes. I don't know what it is.
This is very similar to the concept they have told me, that time is an illusion. Time passes from the human perspective: hours, days, weeks, months, because we are trapped in that concept. They have no concept of time and thus it does not exist for them. This is one of the reasons they can travel so easily through time and space without restrictions. They said that mankind is probably the only species in the universe that has found a way to measure something that does not exist.
I moved him ahead so he could see what was happening on the Earth below.
D: what do you mean by the colors?
In a short period of time, he watched what would have taken thousands of years to happen. He then moved ahead to when they were all returned to the Earth.
M: They told us that we were going to just have to start over. D: So it's not their responsibility to help you?
M: Yes. They're going to continue their functions.
I then moved her forward trying to find another important day, although I didn't think anything could be more important than what he had just been through. He announced, "I don't live much longer. Something happens to me. There's an accident. A tree falls during the rebuilding process. It crushed me." I then had him move to the spirit side and look at the life from that perspective. I asked what he had learned from the life. "Sometimes you have to go with the unknown."
D: why did you pick this strange lifetime for Marian to see? M: It's going to happen again. D: (This was a surprise.) you think so? M: It's going to happen again. There's going to be Earth changes. And the ships are going to come again. D: What's the connection with Marian's life now? M: Because she knows it's going to happen again. She went through it once already, and she's going to be living when the Earth goes through it again. D: The man could see something happening from the ship. What happened to Earth? M: There were lots of changes. Lots of disruptions. It's a cycle. D: Was it caused by man the last time? M: No, it's a cycle. A natural cycle. D: That the Earth goes through? (Yes) But it was not meant for all life to perish, was it? M: No, they don't want everything to be wiped out. D: That's important, because it's a lot of work to start all over again. What did they mean when they said, "Time would go by on Earth, but not on the ship"? M: Because that's the way time is. D: It must have taken a long time for the Earth to come back to where it was habitable again. yet the people on the ship didn't change. M: Time is where you focus. On Earth you go step by step by step by step. You don't have to when you're not on Earth. You just focus and you're there. If you focus over there, you're there. There's no time scale. You are out of scale, because they don't need a scale. D: it's always hard for our minds to understand… M: It's going to happen again….
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