some of life, or youth of ufo contactee,elena danaan. opening remark.
to grasp the content of this, you must read or have the book she wrote on her experience, before you, named alien races, and a gift from the stars.



Time has come for me to speak. I cannot keep this to myself any more, I need to share this with the world. This
is my story, true and terrifying, but also breath-takingly beautiful. This is a story of our times, these changing
times, switching point for Humanity. It is the last chance to step into the light. History is in the making as I am
typing these words; the future is being created in this particular moment, by all of us. This book is dedicated
primarily to all those who went through the ordeal of being abducted by aliens, and seek to understand the motivations and agendas of all these mysterious beings operating in the shadows.

This book is composed of three parts. Firstly, the testimony of my abductions sets the background for the material disclosed further on. The second part describes the different alien races visiting Earth (illustrated by myself),
and the third compiles messages from extra-terrestrial beings.

I was born in Marseille, France, and live now on the West coast of Ireland. I am an Archaeologist and I spent eight
years of my lifeworking in Egypt, but I am also a druidess, shaman and healer, as well as an artist and a musician.
Although I was always aware of my psychic abilities, I nonetheless also possess the scientific background, (as an
engineer working many years for the French Institute of Sciences, (CNRS), that always helped me keep my feet on
the ground. I always chose to only believe in my personal experience, and never take for granted any suggested
beliefs. Although I was brought up in a religious background, I became an atheist at the age of ten as soon as I 
realized everything could be explained by science. Dogmatic systems were not my cup of tea. Since an early age,
I strongly understood that mo one should tell me what to think or what to believe! I always had a curious and
open mind, but could not be easily fooled; all is about finding the right balance between rationality and open-
mindedness. I was abducted by Grey aliens at the age of nine. In the process, I was rescued by another alien ship,
composed of a crew from different worlds, and some of these benevolent beings have been protecting me since
that time.

I decided, in December 2019, to try Quantum Hypnosis in the hope that I could regain all the missing parts of
my memory. During the session. I was able to remember the missing details and this is how the idea of this book
came into manifestation.

It always takes great courage to speak. You open your heart and put yourself into a vulnerable position, so when
we face sarcasm and incredulity, it hurts, it hurts like an arrow shot through the heart. Only you know it's true.
You know you've lived this, because your mind remembers, your body remembers, and you just know. I want
other people who have suffered from being abducted to know that they are not alone, that they can find support
and share their experience via groups on social media, with those who have also been through this. They can also
seek the help of hypnotherapists, experienced in this matter.

We are not alone. There are benevolent aliens tirelessly looking after us, rescuing people, fighting for our protection, working at dismantling the agendas of the dark ones. 

The mentality around paranormal experiences in this
last decade has evolved, as people become more open to divulging their experiences because of social media and
the ability to film and post easily from cell phones.

 Information is instantly accessible now, shared from all over
the planet. The word “paranormal”, even, seems to be progressively refined to fit within the new concept of “normality". Judgementalism loses its grip while the very notion of normality loosens its boundaries, while we shift
into a new paradigm of reality. Nothing really shocks us any more, Now is the moment that we step into the light
and speak out. 

As we discover that the number of abductees is in fact insanely huge, we do not fear any more.
Fear is being replaced by anger and frustration. This despicable activity was always significant, but the difference
is that now, we possess the tools and the power to express ourselves. More and more people dare to speak out and 
the number of testimonies increases exponentially as fear drops. The Men In Black cant keep up any more! Most
alien abductions are an excruciating experience, which lingers in the memory as ghostly figures all your life. I
have been living in fear for too many years, carrying sequels of a deeply repressed trauma. Terrifying memories
and profound denials blocked many aspects in my life and I could not speak about it for different reasons. Mostly
because of my own denial in order to keep my sanity, by instinct of survival in a narrow-minded and judgemental society. I tried hard to convince myself that this never happened to me; sure, it was too unbearable if it did! I
even tried to block in my mind medical and physical evidence, including physical contact with extra-terrestrials.
Even though, Covering your eyes with your hand, does not make the monster disappear. It is still here, hidden
in the shadows, under your bed, behind the curtains, at the end of a dark corridor. And one day, you just need to
turn back and face it.

as alien abductees, we are being robbed from parts of our memory, of our lives. They come in the night to steal
our most intimate property, to violate all our rights one by one. They use us as genetic Guinea pigs, stealing our
reproductive material and fluids, marking us like cattle, implanting us with trackers and leaving us shaking with
cold in the morning, with the awful feeling of having been raped, in our body and in the very core of our soul.
They take our children for unspeakable purposes, never to be returned. And our governments, who are supposed
to protect civilians, cooperate by providing underground facilities and participating in the most ignominious of all trades. This is enough.this, is enough!


As far as I can remember, I was able to see entities and ghosts, have insights, visions, hear what others could not.
I had inherited these talents from my maternal grandmother, also a gifted spirit medium. Instead of bringing
excitement in my life, these gifts made mea solitary child. As soon as I tried to tell my schoolmates about these
special abilities, I was mocked and bullied. This helped me understand I was different from the other children. I
recall spending entire nights staring at the sky until exhaustion came, drawn to the Orion Belt like a magnet and
also, the Pleiades.Ah, the Pleiades. I always felt a deep, unexplained nostalgia in my heart and soul each time I
watched this star cluster above my head. So far and mysteriously so near at the same time. There was something
about it that fascinated me, hypnotized me and nearly obsessed me, like a link beyond the distance of space.
Why? Why did I want to be there? Why was I convinced that someone, out there, in this small shimmering celestial chariot, was thinking of me?

Before she left this plane of existence, my grandmother told me something I had forgotten, or simply denied. She
said that for years she could hear me in my bed at night as a child, and as a teenager, talking low, praying with
despair. She knew my window was open because of the air draft under the door. She said I kept repeating constantly, (gave me the chills), every, single,night:

“Come, come back please, and take me with you to the stars! Why aren't you responding? I miss you! Please come back, take me home!"

These “dreams”.so vivid, so real,  always occuring with the same beings; in particular, a tall blonde man in a 
shimmering blue suit, with strange blue eyes who were slightly wider than normal and always, trying to communicate with me. He was so beautiful and radiant with so much love; for years I believed he was an angel. He
had been in the background of my life since I was a child and seemed to look after me with great care. I always
felt drawn to this strange and beautiful man, whom I knew wasn't from this world. And, at the same time, I
was having traumatic memories involving medical instruments and terrifying grey creatures with huge dark
glassy eyes, Yes, I remembered them too,  brief resurgences in the core of a nightmare or even, when laying in

a dentists’ reclining chair, irrationally torn by terror when the speed air-rotor would switch on. The noise and
the shape of the instruments would echo in my brain signaling the alarm for danger, harm and pain, and the
only way my subconscious would allow me to let the dentist perform his task, was by convincing myself that I
wouldn't get hurt and to do so, my body remembered,  to cross my legs tightly, and lock my ankles so that noth-
ing could get in between. In this position only, I could trust. This wasn't normal and I certainly had no reason
to associate the dentist's drill to locking my legs tightly. As the shrieking, rotating spike approached my face, the
brutal vision of frightening creatures holding similar surgical tools were clawing back at me. But even though
these memories were wiped out, the nervous system remembers, particularly when it comes to protect the bady
from a signal of danger or pain.

My earliest memory related to alien abductions, goes back to when I
was a toddler. One evening as my grandmother was
reading bedtime stories to me, I was struck by the
vision of a little grey man
with a large bald head and
big black eyes, coming out
of the wall behind her. As
I burst in tears, he disappeared bearing a strange
apologetic expression.

Later on that
night when everyone was
asleep, I woke up seized
by terror, when my body
was lifted in the air by an
invisible force. I was terrified, floating above the bed, not able to form a single sound in my throat, my little body all numb and paralysed.
Then, there was a flash of blinding light bursting in the room and the next thing, I knew it was the morning. I
was falling backwards into the bed and I heard my grandmother climbing the stairs at the sound of my cries.
There was so much time missing! What had happened between the moment I lifted in the air above my little bed
and the moment I was back, in the morning? This was absolutely terrifying. At the time, I wasn't able to express
myself with words yet, and this unfortunate experience fell into the limbos of oblivious denial.

All my life I kept a record of my experiences in a notebook, accompanied with drawings, Recently, I also found
my child health book (in these days nothing was computerized yet, thanks to that!). It contains handwritten
motes and is stamped by the family doctor on the precise date of this next memory of abduction. This was the big
one, the mysterious trauma that tipped my life into a new dimension:

June 1979, I was nine years old. My granny, my younger sister and I we were looking at the moon through the
window in my bedroom when we were surprised by the vision of a UFO floating above the adjacent buildings
roofs, coming very close to us. Its shape was discoidal witha slight bump underneath and a dome above, and it
was glowing a very bright orange. Unable to explain why, we had this strong feeling it was staring at us. I found
it incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing, although I had no clue of what it was. My grandmother explained to
me that it was a ship from another world, coming from somewhere else very far away, up there, in the stars.
This was a concept new to me at this very young age, and I was truly astonished. My grandmother told me that
when she was a young woman, she saw one of these coming down from the sky. She said a twirling wind rose
and she was blinded by a bright beam of light coming down from the ship. It had the same shape as that one but
not glowing orange; it was rather metallic with visible windows. In her next memory, she was laying down on
the ground, thinking she had a fit and fainted. She never dared to speak about it to anyone, $0 obviously, I wasn't
the first in the family,  And here we are, staring and being stared at, by this ship. It was truly fascinating. It suddenly changed colour, glowing brighter to nearly white, then quickly downgraded back to yellow, orange, dark
red, My granny said: "oh, look, it is changing colour because it is going to go, now!" And she was right; it suddenly
rocketed in a brutal zig-zag and disappeared out of thin air! The following day in the local newspapers, there
was an article about UFO sightings in the area. Through my recent researches, I discovered that the area was indeed massively subject to UFO sightings for along time. But the story for me doesn't stop here; this, was just the

I woke up that following morning with a huge pain in my belly and the sensation of a wet
bed. I pulled off the sheet and screamed with horror: there was blood everywhere in the bed and
it was coming from my belly!

I got up, shaking and sobbing. I found my mother in the bathroom and she lost the colors on her face
when she saw me, legs covered with my blood. I burst into tears, crying out loud that I  was going to die.

I was nine, nobody had anticipat ed telling me about periods, which was the only rational explanation.
My franny was crying in a corner of the kitchen, shaking, her face in her hands. Why? Did she know
something? Was she remembering things she had been through herself as well, something hidden deep under unspeakable memories? 
The family doctor arrived and I remember this image of him examining my wrists with perplexity. Inside of each was a
purple triangle composed of tiny dots, like fresh marks of needles. He examined them quite a long time and con-
cluded it was probably rubella. This diagnostic is handwritten in my health book with a question mark. I still remember his puzzled look and my mother waiting, impatient, for an answer. Any answer would do so he gave this
one: rubella, Because the vaginal bleeding continued I was hospitalised for two months, during which my period
was provoked prematurely. I can remember screaming like a slaughtered pig each time medics would touch me.

This is the time when my terror for dentist started, as well as the mysterious headaches generated from a tiny
precise spot in my skull. I went through months of medical tests and scans without success. I could clearly feel
something had been inserted in myskull but nothing was showing up on the results and x-rays; it was baffling
all the specialists. This spot has been sore all my life still to this day{I can't comb my hair on it). I know now it is
where my alien implant is.

I had another experience during that same year, after I was back from the hospital and my health started to
recover. This new experience was of a different strange nature. One night, I woke up with the sharp sen- sation
of a presence in the room and an unknown slightly audible buzz in the air. Suddenly, a bright blue beam of light
pourred from the ceiling and I found myself lifted above my body in a clear blue light. I was floating through the
structure of the building, towards the cloudy night sky. What was disturbing was that
Iwas conscious that my physical body was still on my bed, down below on the ground, I could see myself
as translucent during this journey. How intriguing and
disturbing at the same time, to observe that my body
was luminous on its edges and slightly translucent, but
physical when I squeezed my own arm. I couldn't feel anything wnder my feet
as it seemed I was just walking on the clouds under a magnificent starry sky.

I couldn’t feel any air coming into my lungs although I was breathing, and I could feel my long hair was
brushed by a gentle breeze.

And all was so silent, it was a weird silence, like if I had cotton in my ears. The vision ahead of me struck me
with astonishment, but no fear: a metallic discoidal spaceship was there. A tall man, dressed in white clothes,
appeared in front of me as he came down the ramp of the ship. He was magnificent and at the time I thought he was an angel, despite he had no wings. His skin was pale, he had blond wavy hair and his eyes were blue and
wider than normal, with a strange metallic spark. From his presence emanated a profound feeling of protection, as if I knew by instinct that in his proximity, I was safe, and nothing bad could happen to me. He felt to me
uncanningly familiar, although it seemed I was meeting him for the first time. He smiled with a beautiful and
graceful gentleness, and said I needed to live for a determined time on Earth in order to fulfil a mission. After
he spoke these mysterious words, he invited me to the edge of the clouds, where I could see my home town from
above, This vision freaked me out. I grabbed his waist and cried I didn’t want to go back, but he looked at me
seriously and gently laid a hand on my forehead. A wave of warm energy poured from his palm and despite my
resistance, dizziness seized me. I fell backwards very fast, and landed in my body like in a wet sponge. This was
my first recollection of astral travel and of him.

During the Summer of 1980, on holiday in the French Alps with my family, I was awakened one night by the
purring sound of an engine in front of the house and pulsing bright lights filtering through the blinds, as if set
on a horizontal ramp and descending from the sky. My mother and my granny woke up, equally terrified, and
found me in the middle of the kitchen, staring at the window. It is in this precise instant that the ramp of bright
pulsing lights lifted and suddenly shot off vertically. I remember my mother running to phone the police and
my granny, still and calm, walking towards the window with a mysterious smile she tried to hide from me. The
simple fact she seemed so calm eased the tensions in my little body and the question in my head: “How did I get to
the kitchen in the first place?"

The following morning, I woke up to the sound of agitated men's voices arguing outside. Rushing to the front
door, I noticed a police car parked in front of the house, and the mext door farmer, visibly annoyed, conversing
with the officers. There was also a second vehicle, dark blue, parked next to the wheat field adjacent to the house.
T could see from the porch where I stood that a few men in different uniforms who were apparently not from the
local police, were taking photoes and measurements on the field. The perimeter of which had been enclosed by a
security red and white ribbon.

 This was for the most intriguing! When everybody left, I rushed out to meet my friend Eric, the farmer's son, a
boy of my age. He explained to me that his dad was furious because he was convinced the neighbour's tractor
had massacred his crops by enmity, during the night. We both agreed this didn’t make sense, not only because
this was stupid, but because we had both seen, from our own windows, the bright pulsing lights taking off upwards, 
towards the sky! We then decided to go and have a discreet look at the field despite the interdictions and
warnings. We sneaked under the security ribbon and made our way through the wheat, which was quite high
for our size in this late August. We stopped our progression, astonished, when confronted with an unexpected
clearance. The wheat had been crushed onto the ground in a discoidal pattern, and the most incredible thing was
that all stems were impeccably folded flat in a spiralling pattern. We stood there, silent for a few minutes, for all
words were dying in our throats before we were able to express our emotion.

These lights we had seen the night before were those of a craft that came from the sky. We were pretty sure about
it because there was no pathway, nor any tractor trail, was connecting to the imprint of the flatten disk in the
crops. It was one of these moments in your life, when deep truths hit you to the core and shake your whole being
for ever: “we are not alone in the universe”.

I know for a fact that crop circles are mostly man made but a very small part of them are performed by interdimensional entities using sound waves. Of course, I knew nothing about it at the time the event occured. But this,
wasn't a crop circle, It was the imprint of a UFO landing. The distant shouts of someone who sounded very angry
pulled us out of the transe we seemed to be under. The boy's dad had seen us going into the field and shouted at
us that the police had forbidden anyone to go in until other people arrived to take more photos. We gave up and
resigned to leave the location with great regret. What was it that kept us there feeling nostalgic and with a desire
to remain in this strange magnetic impressum? This imprint in the wheat felt more than what it looked like; as
if it was,  a portal of some sort towards an improbable way out of this world. A ship, from another planet, made
with an extraordinary technology, had just landed there, the night before. So near, so far.

Later on that day, we met a girl of our age living in the nearby farm who, very frightened, told us she had also
witnessed a UFO landing in the field the prior night, and had seen tall shiny people coming out. She wouldn't say
more as she was shaking with terror while she was speaking.

My next memory leaps to April 1983 in Marseille, when I was thirteen years old. I woke up one night sat on my
bed, facing the wall, sweating, and breathless, my heart beating very fast. I saw something that looked like a
screen in the wall with images of a weird landscape, with a hill towards where people were running in haste, and
red glowing spaceships coming down from the sky to rescue them. Then, this beautiful alien woman appeared
very vividly in the wall in front of me. She had soft pale skin, big wide green eyes, rosy lips, her hair was blond
and straight, and she looked very serious. She was wearing a skintight shimmering blue uniform and a golden
metallic belt with tiny devices attached to it. I drew this portrait below aftr this experience and all my life, even
until very recently, I couldn't open the notebook to even look at it because this drawing terrified me. I always
knew, subconsciously, that if I looked at it, it would unlock a door I would rather ignore:

She said to me: “Find Professor Jenkins in Ohio!” 
Then suddenly, behind her, I saw like if  I  was flying above a
deserted landscape with a series of buildings (in my later research it turned out it was area 51, which is not in
Ohio, but wait for what follows. The voice of the alien woman was repeating: “Find Professor Jenkins!" Then,
her face showed up again with a very imperative expression and she immediately disappeared like switching off
a TV monitor. I did some research about this vision recently, and in Ohio there is a military facility well known
for being involved with aliens and UFOs: Wright-Patterson USAF, in Dayton. And you will never guess: not only is
the Ohio military base related to the Roswell crash and area 51, but a Professor Jenkins worked there at the time
I was thirteen. I never dared or had the courage to try to contact him, even though he surely possessed some key
information for me. Why me? Why him? Well, if you happen to read this, Professor, you may have the answer.

In June 1983, the same orange UFO came back, hovering above the roof. Shortly after, I remember having locked
myself up in my bedroom from inside, kneeling on the carpet and gluing stickers on a map of the stars. I can
remember having this awkward feeling urging me to do this before I forgot. Then, the window opened and the
wind blew in, and,  memory blank again. I woke up laying on the floor a while later, among papers scattered by
the wind, feeling this profound fright. I folded the map back and hid it to never look at it again, with fear that
something horrible would happen to me if I did. Even though this was a disturbing memory, I found out recently
during the hypnosis session, that I had been onboard that ship and shown a holographic screen with the positions of inhabited worlds.

Three years later, when I was sixteen, I had a very vivid "dream". The following morning, immediatly after
waking up, I drew in my notebook before it vanished from my memory, the inside of a spaceship and its oceupants. Again, here was this beautiful young man with blond wavy hair alongside with other crew members. On
my drawing, I depicted precisely the cabin with the comfy pilot seats facing a large rectangular window where
you could see the stars. It comes about as a recurrent thing in my life, that I seem to remember events that I am
not supposed to, just in the minutes before the blanking process wins over. I have this very strong feeling that
I am fighting against a brain fog that tries to wrap around my mind. I believe it is probably due to my natural
psychic abilities inherited from my grandmother. You just don't learn to become a shaman; you are born into
this existence with all your psychic abilities and it is then up to you to embrace them consciously, in order to be
of service. This is how I could, and each time for a little bit longer, extend my memory like a clearance in the fog,
holding away the threatening clouds of oblivion by blowing onto them with my will and determination, before
they eventually close upon me. Then, once all is gone, the only remains are quick drawings and scribbled notes.

Through every single dream I had in the Winter of 1987, I could feel a presence trying to communicate with me.
It was very vivid and I could clearly feel the difference of intensity emanating from this presence attempting
to contact me. One night in March, I felt a strange tension rising in the room, and the air became electric. as I 
closed my eyes to try to fall asleep, strange faces appeared behind my eyelids, as if they were in my head, showing
themselves to me telepathically. It was the same blonde young man with wavy hair and as well another being I
had never seen before with a big prominent skull and shiny wide indigo eyes. His skin was tanned and he looked
friendly. These two strange beings were looking at me and very strangely.

I collapsed into sleep. I recovered consciousness within the settings of an informal dream, when I sensed again
the same mysterious presence approaching. This time, it reached out to me and made contact. I was scared, of
course, but I came to realize quickly that I had no reason to be. I found myself in a weird place made of organic
architecture with interlaced arches and assymetric tiles. I couldn't feel any aggressiveness coming from the being
standing in front of me, although I could only see his outline in the shadow. He seemed tall and strongly built. He
spoke softly in a foreign language as he emerged into view, then his voice filtered through a translating ‘device’.

My heart was struck with awe; he was the ‘angel’ I saw above the clouds when I was nine years old, it was the
same person! Blonde wavy hair and beautiful blue eves with an amazing grace about him. I couldn't remember
everything he said but I do remember this: he came from very far and had been trying to speak to me for a while.
Although he wasn't from there originally, he was leaving for Epsilon Eridani’, on a mission to help people fleeing
a disaster as their star was becoming harmful to them. He wanted to contact me to tell he would be back, and
would always look after me, I saw him leaving afterwards in a spaceship shooting towards the sky.

Two years later I moved to Paris to complete studies in Fine Arts. I made some friends versed into the paranormal
with whom I experimented with a “Ouija” tablet. This very nasty thing is used to call spirits. Well, you must
never, ever use it! It works and that is the problem. It is utterly dangerous as it opens a portal through which
anything, absolutely,anything, can enter, and you have no control at all upon that. 

Honestly, Ouija tablets should be withdrawn from the market. One evening during a session, an alien male entity named Annax manifested and ordered us to stop immediately, for our safety. Thrilled by our little paranormal adventures, we didn't
listen and I was possessed by an evil spirit, which unfortunately lead me to require an exorcism. A traumatic
experience, which could have been avoided if I had only listened! 
repeating,  Ouija tablets should be withdrawn from the market.
But then who was Annax? This extra-terrestrial
being who had tried ta protect me? I had never heard that name before,  One year later again, I remember having
a vivid dream and it seemed even more disturbingly real than the previous times, because the physical sensations
were extremely real. I found myself again in the same ship, that I now could recognize as well as the crew, There
Was a great dynamic atmospheric energy in this ship and him, of course, my mysterious friend and protector,
the one with shoulder length wavy blonde hair and magnificent clear blue eyes, was there, wearing a shiny pale
blue uniform. This time, I remembered his name for the first time: “Thoran”, but I couldn't recall our whole
conversation. I can remember the jovial atmosphere and his excitement inviting me to try one of the pilot seats. I
Was Very apprehensive at first but the other pilot encouraged me as well and, complying to the promise not to
touch anything and keep my hands on my knees, I accepted the invitation with shyness. It felt so comfortable!
The chair seemed to adapt to my body as if it was made of some sort of intelligent matter. Thoran explained to
mie all the controls and fascinating details about navigation, and this was when I learned that he was the ship
captain. I recognized the blonde lady with the big green eyes,who had appeared in the wall when I was thirteen.
It felt so strange being in her presence once again. The copilot beside me had slightly different features than the
rest of the crew. Although he also had blonde hair, they were scarcer and short. His face was more elongated and
he had a prominent chin. His eyes were also different: more slender and indigo, nearly black. He had a thin and
hooked nose. His name was “Valnek”, and I would learn later that he is originally from Epsilon Eridani and
Thoran's best friend.

Despite the fact that the memories of encounters with Thoran and his companions were always associated with
UFOs, I couldn't acknowledge it because tt would have meant acknowledging also something else,  something
very frightening, which I knew was hidden somewhere underneath these delightful moments with handsome
blonde alien people.Terrifying denied memories that I know, now, were linked to the Greys’ abductions. For my
sane and safe denial, although I knew they weren't, all of these memories needed to be just dreams, and Thoran
and his friends were some sort of guardian angels. I kept drawing them again and again in my notebooks,
strange night after strange night, for years. One winter when I was 22, I was at my art school in Paris, sitting
bored in the classroom looking through the window. The sun was shining in reflecting a beautiful sunny afternoon and suddenly, I was projected mentally but very vividly into a futuristic city with high towers and many el-
egant bridges. It was astonishingly beautiful and I understood then, why I used to love modern bridges so much.
It was because they reminded me of this place.

I knew it was on another planet and I also knew I was in contact with someone else who was there, and that was
how this connection was made which allowed me to see this place. I could feel his presence strongly within my
heart, nearly as if  I  could even hear him breathing. Then, the vision switched off.

It wasn't very long after that when, still in the same school in Paris, I was standing in an administration office
waiting for a paper to be signed, when something disturbing happened. A sharp pain brutally drilled in my skull
(where I know now the alien implant is located), and I fell to my knees from the pain. The woman in the office
ran around her desk to come and assist me. The pain had extended into my left ear and I heard a loud "plop"
inside of it. It's the same feeling as when you're in a plane and your ears pop from the pressure. The woman lifed
me up on my feet and at this very moment, I heard a clear, loud, pristine young male voice inside of my left ear
say: “Sorry for the pain, we are just trying something.” I panicked but pulled out my very best efforts to hide it and
explained to the lady it was just migraines and tiredness. She luckily believed me and let me go. I never heard
his voice again speaking this vividly in my ear until many years later, but by then I was confronted to admit the
truth, these dreams, all these years, had never been dreams.

In 1994, lifein Paris was harsh. I was strugeling to make a living, between a part-time job in cosmetics, a work
in a dance company and studying Archaeology at The Louvre University. I was 26 years old and willingly single,
not finding men in general to be much of a fulfilling company. My father had just been shot dead in Marseille
and I also had to rescue my younger sister from the grip of a psychopath. So at this stage in my life, I was literally physically and morally exhausted. One night,  surrounded by a bright shining light, I was transported again,
very unexpectedly, into the ship. This time, Thoran wasn't there, Instead, the other blonde alien named Valnek, Thoran’s friend, welcomed me, accompanied by the blonde lady with the beautiful green eyes. The fabric of their
suits resembled a sort of smooth and translucent thick plastic with buttons and control pannels incorporated, throughout which helped me guess the color of their blue uniforms. They said Thoran was on duty very far away
so they had decided to abduct me to cheer me up! They took me for a very exciting tour in space where I saw wonders, then brought me back home. From this journey, I keep having faint memories of amazing starry skies and
colored planets but from this day, I felt stronger and more hopeful in life, I was beamed down and, this time, allowed to remember everything.

They certainly started to trust me because I had never told anyone, and if this little escapade had the purpose to cheer me up so yes, I was meant to remember. After this adventure, I don't recall having been on the ship for
many years but sometimes, I could feel Thoran’s protective presence from afar. Life went by, I received a degree
in Archaeology, got a job in Egypt and came back to France eight years later where I married, divorced, and then
moved to Ireland at the age of forty. During all these years I kept the fascination for the starry skies, the Pleiades
and the stardust trail of the galaxy. The call was so intense that there were some nights when I would avoid going
outside, in fear of being recklessly spellbound by the beauty of the heavens. Until the night where all changed again.

The story takes us back now to the year 2018, on the West coast of Ireland where I lived at the time. A flash of sparkling light showered one night down upon me in my bedroom, and I was beamed me up inside the ship in
a big flash of blue light. They were back!!! This hadn't happened for years and as I could feel the cold, solid, tiled
white floor under my bare feet, I realized where I had been transported.

I broke in tears in Thoran’s arms, hiding my face into his hair. I could feel the roughness of the fabric of his blue
uniform under my fingers, understanding that the glittery aspect was due to tiny protective particles of metal
acting like an armour and reflecting the light. He was holding me strong, laughing with joy. Jeez! he had strong arms. The skin in his neck had a strange fragrance which could be similar to vanilla, and his body was warm. I
could feel the soft, silky texture of his hair on my face and in this very moment, the only thought in my mind
was: “This is home". Thoran was like a brother to me; my true family. “I missed you", he whispered in my neck.

His warm breath gave me goosebumps and I replied the same. We didn't want to let go of each other but someone else was also waiting for a hug: the blonde lady with the mesmerizing green eyes. She never showed such
warm affection towards me before but that night, she held me briefly but strongly in her arms, and it was the
very first time I remembered seeing a smile on her face. Her body was slim and firm, and her hair as soft as silk,
Valnek was there too, radiant with joy, as well as two other humanoid crew members. But I think the best way
to describe this particular event is as following: I woke up between midnight and dawn because something very
intense had happened, as if I had just gotten back to bed after having done something very active and awake. I
knew this feeling well. All the memories rushed suddenly into my mind and I got up with haste, running down
to the kitchen to grab a paper and a pen. Before the brain fog sealed my mind into oblivion, rapidly, I wrote what
was still fresh in my mind before it blurred away. I forced my memory and fought. poured a mug of coffee and
focused. and here is what I wrote that night:
“I manage to pierce the coat of blurriness with great effort and here it is, the ship. Invisible from the outside, well
visthle from the inside. It has golden white walls with apparent machinery and control panels. A big window opens on
the sight of a myriad stars. It is beautiful. There are two very comfortable seats facing it. It is always the same ship, I
recognise it. I  was invited to try one armchair, the left one, it was amazingly comfortable. I remembered I had tried it
already by the past. Thoran laughed. He said my hair were more brown before, he found it interesting. He touched my
hair and smiled, intrigued, he is very sweet and caring with me. We huga long time, He says he missed me and I replied
Imissed him too. He smells good, his uniform is made of tiny particles of metal. The lady she hugs me too. It is the first
time I see her smiling to me; she seems very glad to meet again. The two other ones are here. They know no time, they
know no distance. They come from another dimension or I  think if not, no, they're not, they use interdimensional
travel for convenience. Thoran, Valnek and her. I  don't have her name. She is very discrete, occupied, busy, She fascimates me, The men are curious and nice, very dynamic and happy to have me here. It is like a group of old friends.
We exchange a conversation, sometimes spoken and sometimes telepathically. They say they protect me wherever I go, wherever I  am. The veil of mystery started to lift after all these years and some doubts needed to be clarified. He did. I
say I want to stay with them and they say ne, but Thoran tells the others could join the Galactic Federation, that they
would find mea job. Thoran laughs but the others they don't find it funny, and their serious looks put an end to the
idea. Even if Thoran is in charge of the ship, he has mo power to decide for this.
jumping some foreward.

 She fascinates me. I  have so many questions to ask her about what happened many
years ago, when she appeared to me in the wall of my bedroom, but she isn't willing to reply, she seems not allowed ta,
Thoran says they are coming back and I will know about it shortly. They were away for a while because there was a war
somewhere else. Now they're back because something very important is going to happen for planet Earth. Thoran says
in two years time something very frightening will occur and it will be a switching point for Humanity.

All fades away now but as I fight to grasp the last bits of memory, I know, I Enow they are a mix from the Pleiades,
Sirius and Epsilon Eridani. Who is from where I am not sure still but they said they rescued me from the Grey aliens
whe abducted me when I was a child and since, they are protecting me. This I  know now, because we spoke about it. I 
feel privileged and grateful to them. Now, all is gone. I have only left what is written on this piece of paper. Well done

They finally told me about the Greys, about what happened to me when I was a child but not everything. Thoran
said I wasn't ready yet to hear the whole story, because it was too traumatic. He added that one day, I will know
everything. This knowledge started the mechanism of a change within the core of my consciousness. They had
unlocked something and from this day, my life changed. They were back. They mysteriously said I would know
about it later and indeed, very shortly afterwards, on the night of the 9th to the 10th of November 2018, I saw
the orange ships hovering over the bay, reflecting their lights on the water, flying swiftly and playing in the sky.
My heart jumped with joy! I was feeling them so near, they were back into my life after all these years in which I
almost forgot about them. The following morning, Irish newspapers printed that there had been UFO sightings
over the West of the country. The radio recordings of pilots owhich had flown over that area and the air contral
towers transmissions, went viral on internet. They were back, because something, a mysterious “event”, would
eccur soon, in two years time. In Autumn 2020.

Here is the copy of the article I found corresponding to my contact experience:

UFO spotted flying over Ireland ‘at very high speed’ by several pilots as Irish Aviation Authority launches
One pilot asked air traffic control if any military exercises were taking place.

A NUMBER of pilots flying over Ireland last weekend spotted a UFO off the coast of Kerry, it has emerged. The Irish Aviation Authority
has launched an investigation into the incident after the Shannon Airport Air Traffic Control unit was asked if any “military exercises"
were taking place.

The UFO was spotted off the coast of Ireland,(stock image). One pilot from a British Airways flight, who is net identified in the recording,
asked midflight at 6.47 last Friday:
“Tt was moving so fast that I couldn't even really see it."The pilot goes on to describe how a bright light sped past the aircraft heading north
ata “very high speed”. Two other pilots also reported seeing the mysterious object, with one Virgin Airlines pilot discussing the possibility
of a meteor with “multiple obpects following the same sort of trajectory”.

Very interesting report on Shannon high level Friday, 9 November at 3.02 with multiple aircraft with reported sightings of a UFO over
County Kerry. 

Another pilot added their shock at the speed of the unidentified object, saying the acceleration was “astronomical, it was like Mach 2",
Shannen Airport informed the pilots they would be looking into the reports after other further sightings of the UFO. The Irish Aviation
Authority has confirmed they will be investigating the incident. They told the Irish Examiner: “Following reports from a small number of
aircraft on Friday, November 9, of unusual air activity, the LAA has filed a report.

Shannon Airport confirmed they would be looking into the incident. “This report will be investigated under the normal confidential
occurrence investigation process.” Its not the first sighting of a UFO in Ireland.

Seven months later, on the on the day of my birthday on June 2019, on the Summer Solstice, I “switched off" unexpectedly. The evening before, as I was admiring the sunset standing at a field's gate, I heard Thoran's soft and
beautiful voice in my head: “This is only the beginning”. I didn't quite get it at first but straight afterwards, on the
following evening, I collapsed inside. It was terrifying. I was propelled into the darkest unknown areas of my
subconscious. All, literally, switched off! At first, I thought I was worn out by too much work. Nope, not that.

In truth, I  had started the journey of the dark night of the soul, which would lead to an amazing awakening of
consciousness. I couldn't stand any loud sound or social interactions; all I wanted was to curl up in a corner of
the bed and be left alone, in the silence, yes, the silence was what I wanted most. I was unable to think, act, it was
like being in limbo, Total reset. Very frightening. I even wondered if I was having a depression; no, my thoughts
were positive and bright, my selfconfidence unaltered. A burnout? Neither. Then, I  started having dreams of
my childhood’s abduction by the Grey aliens, which I had denied to nonexistence. It was the last thing I needed
to cleanse in order to go forward, towards the next chapter of my life. These glimpses of unwanted memory
started to obsess me, more and more intensively, and I was fighting it because it was unbearably traumatic. But
it was coming back with resilience, night after night, stronger and stronger. I was having traumatic memories
involving medical instruments and terrifying huge obsidian eyes staring at me from above. All my life, I was
always unable to look at pictures of small Greys aliens, the harmful ones. Their image had always inspired terror
in me, but now, I was uncontrollably forced to face it. I knew a terrible pain was locked with the vision of their
faces and their evil lifeless eyes, I cracked up. and I felt suddenly an energy blockage popping open, a lid, which
had been stopping me physically to speak. It was time to, bravely, do something about it and seek the help of a
professional. I made some researches thinking precisely about hypnosis. I was terrified but I had to do it, no turning back.

At the same time, my whole spiritual world was rocked upside-down. All I  knew was shaken to the core. I was
shifting, ascending, connecting to my higher self and the true nature of my being, and to the purpose of my mission in this incarnation. Additionally, I realized also that Sound was everything. That the methods used by my
ancestors were just cultural ways and tools to apprehend the same thing: the Life Force, but also the frequencies
of sound binding matter together; everything was vibrations and frequencies, and knowing the right frequency
could modify matter, healing altered tissues. I suddenly saw the bigger picture, that we are blind with our
open eves, that there are other densities of matter imbricated, like different notes of music composing the same
melody: the multiverse. 

I saw all this, the illusion of the matrix, the infinite and ubiquitous quantum continuum.
I understood the true power of frequencies, and what was my path ahead.

The universe,or my benevolent alien friends, put me in contact with an amazing woman who conducts Quantum Hypnosis in the united States and specialized in the matter of alien abductions: Elisa Hererra Wright. She
truly was the right person, sent by the universe, because she changed my life.

As time for my appointment approached, I felt them nearer. It was terrifying. I was so brave but I was living only
to know. In fact, I had been living to know my entire life.
Two weeks before the scheduled hypnosis session, I had an unexpected encounter. Once again, I was lifted in the
blue beam and transported to the ship. After Thoran held me in his arms with great joy, he introduced me to a
tall and slim alien creature standing just a few steps away, behind him. The creature came forward with a radiant
smile. His skin was brown and he had beautiful almond shaped indigo eyes, a small nose and a large high skull.
He was smiling at me, radiant with so much love and affection, and despite his disturbing alien appearance,
I felt compelled to hug him. This was so weird!!! His body felt like skin-on-bones but his skin was smooth. It
seemed to me we knew each other like old friends, even family, and the pure powerful love emanating from him
was like a vortex. My heart was pouncing with joy and believe it or not, I kissed his cheek. He laughed, and considered me with sparkles in his beautiful indigo eyes.

"I came straight away from Orion. I feel so glad to see you again my child,
I am  Annax."

headline next, is.
RETRIEVAL. Quantum Hypnosis.

The sequels of these events have been in the background my whole life. The horrible, but also, the marvellous.
Because generally these kinds of experiences don't even equal the worst nightmares, I had locked mine in a box
and hid it in my subconscious, in the shadow behind the shadows. I hid it very well, making sure I would never
find it again. Well, I did.and in the box was a surprise, a beautiful key of starlight.

Memories are never erased for good; they are hidden in a little corner of your brain, in an awkward place cut
from all communication with the central core. The system cannot find them, the access is severed, and the
brain considers it lost or that it has been destroyed. But it's not. Hypnosis cannot lie, and I didn't expect at all
what was coming. By setting free the fears locked into that Pandora box, I also set free other blockages in different domains of my life, Since then, I could finally move on and heal. When the box opened, aside with traumatic
memories came out a beautiful gift: reconnecting with my rescuers. These benevolent aliens had always been
there, all my life, watching over me not to fall again into the claws of darkness. For darkness was looking for me,
because they had a job to finish. Which thankfully, they never did.

When I underwent my first Qantum Hypnosis session in December 2019, I was terrified in advance to have to
go back to my first memory when the little grey creature came out of the wall, and to what happened after I lifted
in the air above the cot. Did I really want to do this? Really?

From behind my granny's left shoulder, came through the wall a creature the size of a child with grey skin,

huge eyes, wide skull and frail limbs. He was wearing a skin-tight suit. Lying down going through the hypnosis
process, I started to shake with fright. The therapist helped me calm down. she reassured me and told me to look
at the scene from outside my little body as a spectator, and describe everything without fear. This is when the
missing parts lined up, as the pages of an open book.

Concentrated in her reading, my granny didn't see the two little grey creatures emerging from the wall. As
I screamed, my grandmother dropped her book and started inspecting my teeth. No it's not my teeth! I was
screaming inside. There are monsters coming out of the wall! But at this age, you can barely speak so I started
erying with despair for not being understood. The next thing I remember, my granny was gone and a bright
light was pourring down over me from the ceiling. Two small grey beings with black obsidian eyes approached
and surrounded me. Suddenly, my little body lifted in the air, in the light beam, framed by the two scary creatures.

And I  was flying up, up. until I eventually landed on acold flat, metallic ground. The room was bathed in
twilight. There was a dimmed light flowing from the ceiling like a soft, ambient projector. It was cold. They lifted
me without touching me, remotely, standing on either side of me. It seemed they were using an anti-gravity
method, Floating in the air, I was starting to feel paralysed, more exactly my little body was unresponsive to my
will. Il was experiencing a deep fear, but something was strange. my abductors were acting with gentle moves,
as if they didn't want to scare me more than I was. And although they looked terrifying with their huge head and
big black eyes, I could notice slight caring smiles on their lips, exactly like nurses would. They “floated” me to a
room where I was laid on what resembled a medical table. I had no idea at that age what a medical table was and
what it could involve, so I didn't stress further. There were four, One touched my leg in a reassuring gesture. He
was trying to calm me down but I was terrified. I saw, in the corner of my vision, one of them taking from a side
table a square flat device, with buttons on it and black cables coming out of it. I heard in my head the voice of
the one who had his hand on my leg, saying: “Everything is going to be alright”. One of the other creatures applied
the device on my sternum and it felt like shaking and buzzing inside of me and suddenly, I felt relaxed. On my
right, standing at the heigh of my head, another creature pulled towards mea sort of long device that he applied
on my thorax, then on my thymus, and my chest started to glow red from the inside, spreading a delightful
warmth in my whole body. This wonderful sensation relaxed me, and I could breathe better; my body stopped
shaking. The creature with the hand on my leg removed it.

I was feeling drowsy when the two gentle small greys left. I felt so relaxed now. I didn’t feel fear any more; I believe it was because of what they did to my chest. The walls in this room weren't straight, no angles, alike carved
organic shapes from a same block, as if the furnitures and the walls were part of the same matter. The air was a
bit thinner. They left me there for a short while until I  heard the automatic door behind me. Someone entered the
room. Atall being appeared, walking towards me, looking like the other ones but so much taller. He started to
examine my face, my ears, my jaws. He grabbed my face gently and turned my head to examine it. He had clear
brown skin, a big head and large indigo eyes, and seemed very familiar.

He didn't want to harm me and acts with slow and caring moves, He just wanted to check that I'm okay. He
leaned over me now, he was so close. The tall creature was looking for something on my body. He took my left
wrist, squeezed it, then looked at me, smiling paternally. then, he left by the same door he came from. I knew
him. had seen this being a few times in my life, in my dreams.
drawing of
Annax and one of his helpers.

There was light again and the four small greys were back. I was feeling very sleepy. They brought me floating
to the airlock in the ground and lay me down on there's a transparent round glass tile, where there was light
coming from under it. Avibrating buzz intensified, coming from underneath the glass. I was shaking again. I
physically went down in the light and then I was in my bed again, seared. It was the morning. I tried shouting
for help but ne sound cames out of my throat. The air flew into my lungs, I could breathe.

This is what I
could remember under
hypnosis. This being was
Annax, and he watches
over my maternal blood
line as a protector. Indeed,
my grandmother had recounted to me that story
when she was young, of
this big bright ship coming
from the sky with a buzz
ing low vibrating sound,
blinding her with light.
She wasn't terrified, but
instead mesmerized with
awe. She lost memory of
what happened and next
thing, she was lying on the
ground and the ship was
taking off, disappearing
awiftly in the sky. She has
been there always, each
time there was a UFO or
something weird happen
ing and I understood that
this being, Annax, was
her protector too and what
 knows, maybe also her friend, My granny and the UFO.

I was now nine years old and with my granny and my younger sister, we were admiring the starry sky by the bedroom window. The orange UFO arrived, hovering above the roofs, so close, so big! And the story just begins.


The UFO changed colour and shot off, zigzagging at a tremendous speed, but it came back, that night. That's
what they do, they come, in the night, and they take, they take and they violate all your rights, they treat you like
animals, like meat, like non-sentient genetic material. They have no consideration and they express no feeling.
They just do their job. Two of them appeared in my bedroom that night, in total silence, smoothly, cunningly,
and they seized me like night predators moving swiftly to catch a prey. They took me by the arms. Their fingers
hurt and bruised my flesh. I was unable to shout. I tried to fight them but they were holding me strong and then,
the whole room started spinning and I realised they were taking me through a vortex of lights and colours. I
was thrown onto a cold hard floor. This new place was dark and freezing cold. I started crying, so they squeezed
my forearm harder. It hurt so much, sobs dried in my throat. I could see they were not like the ones who took me when I was a baby. These ones looked different, slightly taller, with a wider skull and these big dark almond
shaped obsidian eyes. They wore glossy black suits, like vinyl. They were cold, emotionless, and they dragged
me onto a narrow medical table. I noticed glowing machines around it. They tied me by the ankles, forearms
and neck. Why were they doing this to me? Who were they??? It was not the same ones as the first time, at all!
They removed my clothes fast and mechanically. There were low purring sounds coming from the machines and
suddenly, I heard the screechy sound resembling a dentist drill, approaching my head. The alien being behind me
grabbed my chin to maintain my head still and straight and with the drill, inserted something in my skull.

Now. they were looking between my legs. I couldn't move, my nervous system seemed paralysed. They moved
very fast, as if they were in a hurry. One of them put large straps around my wrists and when he tightened them,
I could feel the sharp pain being caused by small needles incorporated in the straps, piercing through the flesh
of my wrists. There were thin wires coming out of these straps, connecting to some devices on the side, and it

drawing  of
Tools used on me in the Solipsirai ship.

They acted very fast, their moves were so weirdly mechanical. I knew was bleeding now, because I could feel the
hot liquid pouring out of my womb, They had no consideration, I was just like a piece of meat. They think we
have no soul, that we are so inferior to them. They spoke to each other but it was not a language, it was more like
sounds, crackling, creaking insectoid sounds.

They started to talk now louder and with more agitation. Something was wrong. Another one appeared on
the right; he was like them but seemed slightly different. He was bigger and more expressive, as if he wasa real
person and the others some sort of rebots, or clones, or organic machines, This big one seemed worried and
angry. Two of them left the room and this big one started urging the two who stayed to haste removing the ties.
The straps left bleeding triangular marks on my wrists. They needed to be quick, quick, and suddenly, there was
this big light and the whole structure trembled. I couldn't move and it was terrifying! The walls, the ground,
everything trembled again, and violent vibrations shook the whole ship. They were not happy with that. What
the hell was going on? The bigger Grey creature, who seemed to be their supervisor, shouted orders in his weird
language while sounds and lightening behind the other side of the door were getting louder. Now, I could hear
shouts of human voices! Men shouting, and sounds of fights! The two small Greys were confused and their chief
seemed furious. He pulled from his pocket an oblong weapon that he pointed at the door. I could hear men shouting again and the door brutally exploded! I was so scared! What was going on? I couldn't move!


Two tall men in spacesuits rushed in, wearing helmets. I couldn't see their faces because of the lights'reflection
and the smoke, Afight with some sort of laser guns engaged and one of the men lifted the taller grey who seemed
in charge and strangled him to death; all the other ones were shot in the head. The same man who had strangled
to death the captain of the Grey beings, lifted me from the table in his arms; my body not responding. I was feeling cold, so cold. I couldn't see their faces due to the reflections on the glass of their helmets. There were flashes of
light, again, coming from the hole in the wall left by the blast of the explosion. The men rushed with me through
it, moving in a hurry. All I  could see was the spacesuit of my rescuer and the cold plastic feel of it. There was a
buzzing blinding blue light and then we were rushing into an airlock.

It was very strange because I could see the stars around us, but we were inside some sort of corridor. It seemed
like if we were suddenly in a different ship. They rushed into a room bathed with bright light and laid me down
on a table that lifted from the floor. It was warm in here. I was feeling safe. There was a woman in that room.
She didn't wear a spacesuit and she was beautiful, tall with straight blond hair and vibrant, huge green eyes. She
wore a skin-tight blue suit, slightly glistening in the artificial light, and her body was slim and harmonious. She
was looking at me with concern and I could feel tension emanating from her. After they laid me on this bench,
the men removed their helmets but I still couldn't see their faces because they were out of my vision. Nonetheless,
I had time to notice they were both blonde like her, tall and athletic.

The woman rapidly cleaned the blood off my tiny body. I let her proceed while releasing my fear, letting go of
all tensions and stress. The man who saved my life removed his space suit jacket and covered me with it. It felt
so warm. He had wavy hair, and the other one long straight hair. I felt one of the men's hand pressing my leg
and saying few words in a strange language. I was now in good hands, I knew it. These people had rescued me.
There was agitation in the room, the woman was feeling nervous and the sense of emergency was filling the air
stressfully. The gracious woman leaned over me and gently grabbed my face between her hands. She spoke to me
in a strange and harmonious language which I couldn't understand, but it seemed, I could feel it, that she tried
to calm me down. The two men had stepped back and she laid her hands on my shoulders, Her energy felt warm
and soothing, and poured inside of my tiny body like a delightful waterfall of calmmess. This, was my first
contact with Myrah, (I would get to know her name later), the mysterious and mesmerizing alien lady who had
looked after me all my life besides Thoran. Their expressions were, though, concerned and grave, and I could see
shadows of worry on the lady's pristine face. Her eyes were truly fascinating; they had this crystalline emerald
spark. She was smaller than the two other men and had high and prominent cheek bones, on a triangular face
with a narrow chin. It seemed to me that she was from a different race than the two other ones, as her face structure was dissimilar to her companions. She also obviously was of a smaller species. I would also learn later that

I was right to think so; these two handsome men were from the Pleiades and she was from the Sirius B system.
All three of them, despite the resemblance to human beings, had features which betrayed their non-terrestrial
origin. Their eyes were wider proportionally than ours and with a metallic luminosity to them. They had high
cheek bones and their bodies looked very fit. I couldn't see where the men were gone to, but I could hear and
sense them in the room. Still, my body wasn't responding to my will; I guessed the product I had been injected
with needed to dissolve. I fell asleep.

Thanks to the safe process of Quantum hypnosis, I could see my body from above and I noticed that I cried so
much, my hair was wet. The alien woman was busy behind me searching in a box while the two men watched
from a distance. I had this impression she was about to do something that would save my life.

She approached the back of my skull, examined the wound with a little instrument that looked like a torchlight
and then said something to her companions. Asa spectator, I could see now by transparency what the Greys
had put in my head; it was a sort of small green glowing object shaped like bean. That was the tracker implant. I
noticed the woman's annoyed expression mixed with anger, not liking at all what she was seeing. I could sense
stress now, coming out of her body, She grabbed another instrument composed of a long double-needle, that
started buzzing and vibrating.

Hearing this noise my head made my heart pound in my chest, but I knew this wouldn't hurt me, that I was here
rescued and had nothing to fear. Although, after what I had just gone through in the Greys’ ship, it was a little bit
distressing. As she touched the green glowing bean, my whole body shook in spasms and she stopped instantly,
triggering something in my brain. It's like if she tried removing it and failed.

My rescuer approached and addressed the woman with authority, urging her in their strange language to do
something to which she seemed reluctant. I couldn't understand him, but as he stood closer to me, I could finally
have a closer and clearer vision of my saviour. He had these beautiful blond curls waving upon his shoulders.

Suddenly, his wide slanted eyes with this strange, clear metallic blue, met mine. At this very moment, all my
being felt magnetized as with a rolling wave of energy. It was like looking into the eyes of an angel. He seemed
very worried and addressed the woman harshly, pressing her to operate this mysterious task quickly, Then, they
started arguing. She insisted not agreeing with what he asked her to do, and the tension was growing. Their
language sounded melodious, in-between Scandinavian and Gaelic.

The alien lady let her shoulders drop and eventually consented to obey. She then took another instrument to
work on my head, under the scrutinizing surveillance of her companion who seemed in command of the ship.
She stuck a needle into the implant, which started changing color, from green to dark red. She then applied a
small disk on it and observed it for few seconds, then threw an inquisitive look at the man, as if she was saying to
him: “are you happy mow?" It seemed they had a telepathic exchange.


She then removed everything from my head and put the instruments away on a small side table behind her. It
seemed that what he asked her to do was illegal or even dangerous. He then came to me and put a hand on my
head, gently, and sighed. I don't know how but I could feel that in his mind, he was expressing some sort of hope,
that what they had done would work, The other guy with long blond hair spoke to them from one of the two
command seats, and my rescuer joined him, taking place beside him. I think they had to move on now, it was
time to go. I slept for a while to recover from all this and when I woke up, by the big front window of the ship I
saw the stars, and the orb of the Earth rising from below. They were taking me back home. The ship descended
into the atmosphere, under the clouds, and I could see suddenly the turquoise horizon of a setting sun above the
sea, and a town I recognised: mine.


My rescuer, the young man with wavy blond hair who seemed the captain of that ship, turned to look at me with
a tired smile. He stood up and came sitting beside me on a corner couch, where I had been laid to rest. He puta
hand upon my head and I looked at him, mesmerized. It was like a fresh wind blowing through my mind as he
addressed me directly by telepathy. I heard his voice in my head, soft and gentle, speaking my language with a
slight foreign accent.

Everything will be fine, mow, I rescued you. They will try taking you again but we'll stop them, don’t worry.

They put something in you they want back. We couldn't take it out so you'll have to kill it, we'll tell you how.
Who are they?

Oh, they're not good. Their name is Solipsi Rat, they come from another plane of existence and they travel interdi

mensionally, We watch them, because it is illegal what they do. They take humans from your planet mainly for genetic

Because they' are playing with genetics. They create a species of Hybrids. And there are other ones, and also other
matters a little girl shouldn't hear, The tracker they put in your head, we couldn't remove it without killing you, so
Tasked Myrah to deactivate it and retune it to our frequency, so the Solipsi Rai cannot track you any more, By this
mean, we will be able to watch over you and protect you. I will now erase these memories and bring you back home.
Will I forget you?

You and I have a bond by the heart that you will understand one day. Your mind will forget, but your heart will

This young man's name was Thoran. We kept contact through the years and he honoured his word: he always
watched over me. I have had several other encounters with these wonderful people, “beaming” me aboard that
ship regularly, and they have taught me a lot of knowledge and wonders. I know this ship like a second home.
They have showed me maps of the galaxy, and explained to me how to pilot the ship, and even let me sit in the
command chair. This bond of the heart I had with Thoran, I finally comprehended its nature. At the time of the
rescue, what could a little girl understand to these things? But this, well, is another story.

Quantum Hypnosis helped me not only to recover the hidden elements of my experience, but also to connect
directly with them. By reactivating the memory and clearing up the trauma, the implant's frequency was un
locked. I now have daily telepathic contacts with Thoran, Myrah and even in some rare occasions Annax. There
are good people out there, and we are not alone.



next headline is.

One day, in my early twenties as I was still studying in Paris, I met at a party some friend's friend who happened
to be a renown mediumpsychic. I awkwardly found myself on my own in the kitchen with him, removing the
dishes from the table. He turned towards me with a scrutinizing look and the air in the room became thinner
and electric, as my heart started to pound. Laying against the sink, this very tall man with perfect symmetrical
features and mesmerizing eyes in which! could see the cosmos, smiled at me with irony, able to read my soul like
an open book. His skin was pale and his hair pure white. He seemed ageless.

"Your brother is looking after you from up there, he said to me very mysteriously, indicating the ceiling with a
move of the head.

My brother? I don't have any brother", I replied.

Yes, he continued, he's not your biolagical brother but your soul brother,since longer than this life. Him and our kind
will always look after you.”

We are not alone. Extraterrestrial beings live among us since the dawn of times and they have been assisting us
in our evolution, fighting for us and keeping at bay invasive species from outer space. There is a benevolent al
liance above our heads, named the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which is the union of hundreds of thousands of
civilizations from this galaxy. They protect the rights of all life, and Thoran is a member of it as a fleet comman
der, assigned to one of their stations on orbit of Earth. I have now been many times onboard, be it by astral travel

session, I have telepathic exchanges with Thoran through the implant in my head or the beautiful bond of the
heart that we have. The communications, which were rare in the past and privileged as I thought I was receiving
messages of guidance from an angel or either a spiritual guide, revealed to be of another kind as truth blasted
brightly to me. I could never have children and after going through hypnosis I could understand why: the Grey
aliens named Solipsi Rai had messed up with my womb when I was nine. But what I didn't realise was that they
had implanted at the time, something else than a tracker in my head. Following my first Quantum Hypnosis session, Thoran started retrieving memories for me daily and an unfortunate event that happened in my life when
Iwas thirty years old took a whole new meaning, on different levels. At the time, I was working as an Archaeolo
gist for the French mission in Luxor, Egypt. A strange phenomenon occurred four months after I moved into this
place very far away from everything, on the bank of the Nile river. Suddenly, far from anything related to my life,
my past and my traumas, something unlocked in my subconscious which activated a process, twenty years later
after fertlization. This, wasn't related to some sort of Hybrid Grey's fabrication; but was part of an even worse
agenda. A growth quickly developed in my womb, tensing the skin of my belly. It grew to the equivalent size of a
mango. I was sent home in emergency, by plane, to France where I was hospitalized in a private clinic.

I found out later that this thing in me was a reptilian matrix ready to carry eggs, which had never been fertilized
because the process had been interrupted. I had been carrying this thing; two pods, which had remained dormant all these years as two empty matrices. For some reason, maybe due to a change of environment and the
Magical energies of Karnak, the Egyptian temple I was working in, my body decided to finally get rid of it. The
verdict was clear: emergency surgery as the doctors feared a cancerogenic tumor. It was the only way they could
explain it. I was feeling fine, until I was laid down on the rolling bed and prepared for surgery. The nurses left
meon a mobile bed, waiting for a few minutes while the surgery room was prepared, and this was when all went
wrong. Suddenly, I felt dizzy with vertigo as my subconscious recalled traumatic events. For at that time, if my
mind didn't remember, my body did. A brutal spasm hit me and I started shaking hard and tears burst off my
eyes. When the anaes thesiologist came to take me to the surgery room, he got worried when he realize that I was
in such a state of distress. Then, I saw his eyes focusing in one of the opening of my medical gown. What was

he looking at with this horrified expression? Was this real? What the hell was happening to me? Something was
obviously wrong. I was rushed into surgery and while I was laid down onto the operation table, the sight of the
annular neon light above recalled ancient terrors. Surgical instruments, me lying there.

They were about to inject the anesthesia into the catheter when my body reacted and I started to have stronger
spasms that would lift my lower back from the table. At that stage, I had lost all control of my body. Something
was fighting inside of me, something that wasn't ok to be removed.

catheter's flexible tube to the anaesthetic solution, I watched the surgeon lifting my gown. And there. I saw it.
The skin of my whole abdomen was wrinkled in a pattern of reddish reptiloid scales. I fainted into oblivion.

lcame back to consciousness shaking with cold, feeling frozen, and this sensation didn't bring back good memories. The anaesthesiologist waited by my side until I woke up, to tell me he had asked to stay through the whole
procedure because he wanted to see what would “come out". I feebly grabbed his hand.

What was it? I asked.

I t was an ovoid poach filled with a yellow liquid, it was so big!
“Can I see it?

They. well they. they kept it for examination but I'll ask.”

A few hours later, the surgeon visited my hospital room to give me his verbal report :

"The left side of your womb was removed because the tumour destroyed it. There was a second one as well, that we
couldn't remove without taking off everything. You are too young to have a hysterectomy so we needed your permission
first. I f you wish this done, you need now to wait for at least two months, which also allows you time to consider this
severe decision. I f you decide to keep the second tumour, it isa chance you are willing to take. It can remain dormant

The familiar sensations, the familiar presences, brought tears of relief to my eyes. Mytah, Valnek, Thoran, seeing
them again was unexpected and wonderful. Myrah pointed at my abdomen a device emitting a ray of light that
burnt inside and she apologised with sweet words and a caring smile, squeezing my hand with affection. Myrah
was telling me that she was quickening the healing process and making sure the other pod would remain deactivated. She couldn't remove it just after my surgery but she said she would guide me to get it done on Earth very
safely. What surprised me most was her apologetic expression. I sat back when she completed her procedure,
listening to her telling me about my abduction by the Solipsi Rai at the age of nine, when I was inseminated
with a double matrix ready to receive reptilian fertilised eggs. At that time, they didn't see it as their attention
was entirely focused upon urgently deactivating my implant, not to be tracked by their enemies and face bigger
problems. I was in shock, understanding mow the reason of the scales on my skin. While Myrah was comforting
me, Thoran approached and sat beside me on the edge of the couch. He seemed upset and angry because of the
suffering and distress I had gone through. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders to bring me against him,
and all my tensions suddenly released. I finally found peace.

“I am  so sorry we couldn't anticipate this", he whispered in my hair. He gently lifted my chin with his fingers and
kissed me, then he exchanged a worried look with Myrah. She said to him very gravely:

“You should tell her”
Thoran brought me to another room in the ship. It was ttheir resting area. No window, but an annular neon-like
light on the ceiling. We sat down together on a couch and, leaning against his chest, I listened to him talking.
The ship isn't big so it was a narrow room with two rows of double bunk beds and shelved niches in the walls
containing white metallic boxes and neatly folded uniforms, that were very recognizable by their shimmering

 You will need to be very brave now, because we are leaving soon to respond to a duty call. There is a war going on very
far from here, and we may not be back before at least four years; probably much longer and hopefully. we will be back.


I broke in tears. In these times of hardship when I had barely recovered from a disturbing surgery and just learnt
the horrific truth about it, Thoran was announcing that they were leaving! But before this, he gave me a gift by
revealing to me something absolutely breath-taking:

= Do you know why I am watching over you since you are a child? It is because we knew each other from before you chose
this incarnation, in order to help humans on Earth. I I am waiting for your mission to complete and once you will leave
this avatar and recover your body kept in stasis on Erra, we'll be together again.

-Where is Erra?

-In the Pleiades.
-So this is why I was always drawn to the Pleiades, why it always felt like home.

-I  may not come back from this mission, Elena, but I will be waiting for you in a way or the other for we are eternal
beings, travelling through temporary avatars. One day, we will be together for good. You just need now to trust in your-
self, and reconnect with who you truly are. You have a life to live, love to give, knowledge to gain. Unfortunately, for all
these reasons, I will have to remove the memory of this moment. Your mind will forget, but your heart will remember.

All I remember afterwards, was falling asleep in his arms and waking up back in my room in Egypt. Just after
they left, things took a new turn in my life. Shortly after I was back in Luxor, a French colleague started to chat
with me and a year later, I stopped resisting and consented to start a relationship with him. (he would become
my future ex-husband).

Although my heart always overflew with abundant love to give, I was awkwardly unable to feel passion for
anyone in my life, and if I had known why, I would have certainly never gotten into any relationship, a thing that
would have been wrong. I needed to live and to love, as Thoran had said very wisely. I could totally understand
why this part of the truth needed to remain hidden from me, and it 1s now that, happy im a stable long term relationship, I can truly accept with maturity the beautiful truth.

I would have never been able to cope with this knowledge before my awakening. When they finally came back
in 2018, I had lived and I had loved, indeed, and I had gained the necessary knowledge and wisdom after years
of studies certifying meas a Druid and a Shaman. I was now ready for my own shift of consciousness and more
than anything: to embrace my mission,

Inow know whol truly am, and who Thoran truly is; my soul brother bonded by heart and soul, working in synchronicity together between above and below to help humanity, as two twin-flames of adamantine light.

Every truth always comes when you are ready for it, in the right time.

PART 2 is headline,
ALIEN RACES. And must be seen by the book, which have a lot or drawings of these races. Just take in a little Introduction
to this next part of the book further.
Two weeks after I underwent hypnosis, I found one morning a strange manila A4 envelope stuck in my letterbox. It was labelled «Air Mail USA» and had no stamp and no writing on it, no name, no address, nothing. Weird.
There was no way this came by regular post and the postman confirmed it didn't. Someone put it there and I
never found out who to this day. I guess the mystery will remain. Inside was a spiralbounded document which
froze me with shock, for on the front cover were photos of UFOs and aliens. This was a record of alien races by the
Russian Secret Services, It was only to be used by their agents, and had recommendations on how to behave in
case of alien encounters.It also mentioned that they were not to talk about it, including intimidating threats. It
took me a  while to realize what had just happened; someone, somewhere, was giving me a hint. It took all of my
courage to read it and, then I safely hid the document. Even the object by itself was frightening, because of the
mysterious circumstances of its delivery. Through my regular contacts with Thoran, he denied having anything
to do with it and he said it surely came from someone wanting to help anonymously. Days, weeks, passed and I
finally accepted not to question anymore. I told my friend Elisa at the time, who replied to me: «You should write a book».

The process of getting used to the idea of publicly revealing what had happened took me along time, but I
eventually started to write. I began with my personal abduction story and in the meantime, through my communications and encounters with Thoran, he was telling me about his work. This included the work of the Galactic
Federation of Worlds, the different races involved, where he was coming from as well as the history of his race, ship navigation, and an amazing amount of other details. One day, I asked him if the information compiled in
that document I  had received was correct, and we found that the text was correct but the associated pictures weren't always. We did this research using this great ability that we share; we are able to look through each
other's eyes. I was taking notes from what he was telling me and it became an entertaining appointment, until
the day the tone changed when Thoran received the visit of a Pleiadean official from a higher hierarchy, Coron.

Coron was a light being assigned to oversee our work.The process was made official and suddenly, it became authorized disclosure. We were writing a real book!

What follows is a repertoire of the alien races invelved with our planet in one way or another. I also include a description of the main organizations, empires and alliances rocking this galaxy, illustrated by me. We categorized
our work by location to make it easier to visualize, sorted the races by constellations as we know them on Earth
and, then the name of the star system followed by the name of the race, all in alphabetical order.

This work is based on the material from the anonymous document I received, (which is really, a tiny part of it!),
and the result of the intensive work of channelling Thoran, (and partially Coron). I did not edit their words, leaving them as they spoke, and I can honestly say that Thoran is by far the main author of what follows. Half way
through our collaboration, events on Earth went wild and Thoran became less available because of his duties,

so Coron took over the channelling of data for a while. Near the end, something scary happened. My computer
suddenly froze and I saw the cursor of the mouse moving by itself. At that very moment, I felt Thoran’s energy
bursting in a burning blast and his imperative voice in my head: «Disconnect and retrieve the work! They found
you!» Cold blooded, I copy, pasted all our work in an email and sent it to myself, in just seconds, and I disconnected everything. Just as the email was sent, backing up all our data, the original file on the screen switched into
binary code. «Delete!» shouted Thoran. He explained later that they were trying to retrieve the file in binary code
because it's the only way to transcript it back into alien language. Just after that, the strain on the electronics in
my laptop was such that it crashed. Luckily, I always backup everything on separate devices. From that moment,
the tension grew to a new level and Coron alternated with Thoran for the rest of the data to be channelled, nonstop during the next four days. urging the completion of the work for as they said, this needed to be disclosed
and shared with all of humanity. The dark forces stepped in the way afew times but we were smarter: the mission was completed successfully!

end of this extract from this special book.